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intimate friend of Sir William Jones (q.v.) : when in England, he made a code of law for Ceylon : was appointed Chief Justice there and knighted, 1801 : retired in 1806 from ill-health. M.P. for St. Mawes, 1826–31 : was D.C.L. 1810 : F.R.S., J.P. and F.S.A. : died Nov. 28, 1849.

CARTIER, JOHN (1733–1802)

Governor : arrived in India as a writer in E. I. Co.'s service : was a factor and assistant at Dacca, whence he was expelled in 1756 : joined other fugitives at Fulta : served as a volunteer under Clive in retaking Bengal, and was praised by Court of Directors : Chief of Dacca factory, 1761 : Second in Council at Calcutta, 1767 : succeeded H. Verelst as Governor of Bengal, Dec. 26, 1769 : followed, as Governor, by Warren Hastings, April 13, 1772 : eulogized by Edmund Burke for his government of Bengal : died in Kent, Jan. 25, 1802. CASEMENT, SIR WILLIAM (1780–1844)

Maj-General : appointed to Bengal, 1795 : served in India 47 years and 6 months : in Lord Lake's campaigns, at Alighar, 1803, Deeg, 1804 : D.Q.M.G. in the Nipal war, 1815 : Secretary to the Government of India in the Military Department for 20 years from June, 1818 : Colonel, 23rd N.I., 1824 : K.C.B., 1837 : was Member of the Supreme Council from June 17, 1839 : died of cholera at Cossipur, April 16, 1844 : his bust is in the Town Hall, Calcutta. CASSELS, ANDREW (1812–1886)

Of an old Scotch family, resident at Manchester : he opened in 1843 in Bombay the firm of Peel, Cassels & Co. : returned to England, 1851 : Director of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce, 1861 : Member of the Council of India, 1874–84 : Vice-President, 1875, of the Society of Arts : a great authority on Indian cotton : died Aug. 2, 1886. CASSELS, WALTER RICHARD (1826–)

Son of Robert Cassels : educated privately and abroad : spent some years in Italy, and in 1856 joined the mercantile firm of Peel, Cassels & Co. in Bombay : was a Fellow of the Bombay University : a Member of the Legislative Council, Bombay, 1863 : left India in 1865 and devoted himself to literature : wrote poems, 1850 and 1856, Cotton in the Bombay Presidency, 1869; Supernatural Religion, 1874–6, and 1879 : The Gospel according to Peter, 1894, etc. etc. CASTLEREAGH, ROBERT STEWART, VISCOUNT (1769–1822)

Second Marquis of Londonderry (April, 1821–Aug. 1822), better known as Lord Castlereagh : son of the first Marquis : born June 18, 1769 : M.P. for Tregony, 1794–6 : for Oxford, 1796–7, and other places : his career lay in English and European politics, and his only connexion with India was as President of the Board of Control (the India Board), Sep. 9, 1802— Feb. 14, 1806, in the Addington and W. Pitt Administrations : while holding this office, he supported the Governor-General, Lord Wellesley, whom he admired, against the Court of Directors : fought a duel with George Canning, Sep. 22, 1809 : Foreign Secretary, 1812–33 : died by his own hand, Aug. 12, 1822. CAUTLEY, SIR PROBY THOMAS (1802–1871)

Colonel : son of the Rev. Thomas Cautley : born Jan. 3, 1802 : educated at Charterhouse and Addiscombe : entered the Bengal Artillery, 1819 : was assistant to Colonel Robert Smith in reconstructing the old irrigation channel of the Doab Canal from 1824–30, but was at the siege of Bhartpur in 1826 : held charge of the above canal, 1831–43 : framed the project of the Ganges Canal, sanctioned by the Court of Directors in 1841, and constructed between 1843 and 1854. He left India in 1854, Lord Dalhousie ordering a salute to be fired in his honour : and his bust was placed in the Calcutta Town Hall : K.C.B. : from 1858–68, Member of the Council of India. He had a controversy with Sir Arthur Cotton (q.v.) on the engineering of the Ganges Canal, in which further work and improvement were found to be required. He explored largely in the Sivalik range of hills in India, and acquired many fossils of scientific value, which he presented to the British Museum : contributed many papers to the Asiatic Society of Bengal and to the Geological Society, chiefly on fossils : died Jan. 25, 1871.

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