D.C.L. Glasgow : went out to Bombay, 1869 : Under Secretary to Government in Political, Judicial Departments, 1880 : acted as Commissioner of Customs, Salt, Opium and Abkari, 1897 : Chairman of the Bombay Plague Committee, 1897 : Commissioner, 1900 : retired, 1900 : C.I.E., 1885 : K.C.I.E. 1897 : compiled the Bombay Gazetteer, 1873–84, in 26 volumes : wrote a history of Mandoghar, the capital of the Muhammadan kingdom of Malwa, and "Notes on the Spirit Basis of BeUef and Custom," in the Indian Antiquary, 1894–1901 : died May 26, 1903.
CAMPBELL, JOHN (1753–1784)
Son of John Campbell, Lord Stonefield : born Dec. 7, 1753 : entered the Army in 1771 : served in America : went as Lt-Colonel to India in 1782 : was engaged against Hyder Ali : was at Bednore and Anantapur : the British force being driven into Mangalore by Tippoo, Campbell was left in command and made the famous defence of that town from May, 1783, to Jan.,1784, when he was compelled to surrender : he died, from his exertions, Feb. 23, 1784. CAMPBELL, SIR JOHN (1802–1878)
Son of John Campbell of Lochead : born in 1802 : entered the E. I. Co's service, 1820: served in Madras : in 1834 was in command in subduing the hill tribes in Orissa : in the Gumsur war, 1836–7 : was deputed, 1837–42, to the civil duty of stopping the practices of human sacrifice and female infanticide among the Khonds of Orissa : went to China, 1842 : C.B. : was again sent to his former duty among the Khonds, 1847–9 : returned to Scotland, 1855 : Maj-General, 1872 : died April 22, 1878 : published a personal narrative of his 13 years' (not uninterrupted) work among the Khonds, which led to controversy with the family of the officer who had, in his absence, favoured a different policy with that native race. CAMPBELL, JOHN (1817–)
Surgeon-major : born April 27, 1817 : son of Capt. Thomas Campbell R.N. : educated at St. George's.London, Aberdeen University, and King's College : entered the Bengal Medical Service in 1840 : served in the Afghan war, 1842, on the line of the Khyber, and with Pollock's force : with Sir Charles Napier in Sind : in the Indian mutiny was at Chinhut and the siege of Lucknow, for which he received his C.B. CAMPBELL, LORN ROBERT HENRY DICK (1846–)
Entered the Army, 1863 : served in the Hazara expedition, 1868; Dour Valley expedition, 1872; Afghanistan, 1878–9; Mahsud-Waziri expedition, 1881; China, 1900–01, where he commanded the lines of communication : commands the Bundelkund District, India, since 1901 : Maj-General. CAMBPELL, WALTER, MAJOR (1864–)
Joined the Gordon Highlanders, 1887 : served in the Waziristan Field Force, 1894–5; Chitral Relief Force, 1895; Tirah expedition, 1897–8, including Dargai, Sampagha, and Arhanga; South Africa, 1899–1902, with 1st Batt. Gordon Highlanders : Brig-Major, Highland Brigade, and D.A.A.G., Army Head Quarters : D.A.Q.M.G., Head Quarters Staff : D.S.O. CANARAN, CHURIA (1812–1876)
Born at Mahe, 1812 : son of a jailor at Tellicherry, whom he succeeded, 1829–32 : learnt several languages besides his own vernacular Malayalam, and rose, from his first appointment in 1832, through a succession of posts in the judicial and revenue offices, to be a Deputy Magistrate-Collector in 1859, retiring as a first-class officer at the end of 1869, after 39 years' service, having performed such excellent work in respect to the Moplah disturbances in Malabar, 1852–5, his courageous conduct exposing him to great danger, that for his "conspicuous and most valuable" services therein and in revenue matters, he was granted a pension equal to his full pay : died Oct. 18, 1876. CANDY, SIR EDWARD TOWNSHEND (1845–)
I.C.S. : born April 15, 1845 : son of Major Thomas Candy : educated at Cheltenham : entered the Bombay Civil Service, 1865 : was Judicial Assistant to the Political Agent, Kattiawar, 1872–82 : officiating Judicial Commissioner in Sind, 1886–7 : Vice-chancellor of the Bombay University, 1897–1902 : Judge of the Bombay High Court, 1889–1902 : Member of the Police