Sonnenschein's Standard Books
of Reference ENGLISH QUOTATIONS BY COLONEL PHILIP HUGH DALBIAC Third Edition. Small Demy 8vo. 7s. 6d. "The most extensive Dictionary of Quotations yet supplied, and, thanks to its arrangement and its Indexes to Aizthors and Words, it slmplilies greatly the task of reference." — Notes and Queries. "No book of English Quotations can be at all compared to the present, either in fulness or in accuracy. ... If the succeeding volumes in any degree reach the high level of excellence and of accuracy to be found in the present work, Colonel Dalbiac and his fellow-writer will have accomplished an invaluable work."— AforwiTj^ Post. " A mine of curious inquiry. . . . A very industrious and entertaining companion." —Spectator. "Up to date and admirably explicit in the matter of references."— PoZZ MaU Gazette. "The quotations have been selected with excellent judgment, and they are given with remarkable accuracy ; indeed, in all respects the book is the best of the kind that I have Been."— Truth. " Decidedly a work to possess. '—Publishers' draular. "As near an approach to the ideal work as one might wish for.'— Nottingham Express. "Remarkably comprehensive."— DaiZi/ Telegraph. "An improvement upon Bartlett's and other well-known work.s." — Times. "A very useful book, which will furnish valuable services to every teacher and friend of English."— ^Ti^Ka (translated). " The fulness and accuracy of its references make it worthy of a place in every library where scholarship is valued."— 5cois7na». "A work which must have entailed a vast amount of patient and intelligent labour, and which, in addition to the intrinsic Interest which it possesses, cannot fail to be of service to a very wide section of the cultured T^nhlic."— Glasgow Herald. "This Dictionary of Quotations is a distinct advance on aU its predecessors in that it gives the fullest possible reference to chapter and verse for each quota.tion."— Journal of Education. "An excellent collection in prose and verse. There is nothing superfluous in the quotations ; there are few quotations unworthy of their place, and really obvious omissions are few in number."— FortoAire Post. "The result is a handsome volume of 528 pages, which will probably displace many other and older compilations."— Sdwcatiorwti Review.