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SEWELL, R., Archaeological Survey of Southern India : 1882–4.

——————— Chronological Tables for S. India from the Sixth Century A.D. : 1881.

——————— Forgotten Empire, A, (Vijyanagar) : 1900.

——————— Sketch of the Dynasties of S. India, A : 1883.

SHAW, R. B., Visits to High Tartary, Yarkand, and Kashgar : 1871.

SHERER, T. W., C.S.I., At Home and in India : 1883.

SHERRING, REV. M. A., Hindu Tribes and Castes : 1872–81.

——————— The History of Protestant Missions in India, 1706–1881 : 1875.

——————— The Indian Church during the Great Rebellion : 1859 : 1884.

——————— The Sacred City of the Hindus : an Account of Benares : 1868.

SHERWOOD, (MRS.) M. M., Life of, chiefly autobiographical, edited bv Sophia Kelly : 1854.

SHIPP, JOHN, Memoirs of the Extraordinary Career of, late Lieut, in H.M.'s 87th Regt. : 1829.

SHORE, HON. F. J., Notes on Indian Affairs : 1837.

SIKHIM EXPEDITION OF 1888, the 2nd Battalion Derbyshire Regiment in the, by Capt. H. A. Iggulden : 1900.

SIKHS, A HISTORY OF THE, by Capt. J. D. Cunningham : 1849 : 1853.

——————— and the Sikh War, The, by Gen. Sir C. Gough and A. D. Innes : 1897.

——————— THE, by Gen. Sir John J. H. Gordon, K.C.B. : 1904.

——————— THE HISTORY OF THE, by Dr. W. L. Macgregor : 1847.

SIKH WAR, Narrative of the Second, 1848–9, by E. J. Thackwell : 1851.

SIMPSON, W., India, Ancient and Modern : 1867.

SIMSON, F. B., Letters on Sport in Eastern Bengal : 1886.

SIND, Personal Observations on, etc., by Capt. T. Postans : 1843.

——— THE CONQUEST OF, by Maj.- Gen. Sir W. F. P. Napier : 1845.

SINDIA, MADHAVA RAO, by H. G. Keene, C.I.E. : 1893.

SINGH, DULIP, see Sir John Login.

——— MAHARAJA RANJIT, Political Life of. Origin of the Sikh Power, etc., by H. T. Prinsep : 1897.

——————— by Sir Lepel Griffin, K.C.S.I. :

SKINNER, LIEUT.-COL. J., C.B., Military Memoir of, by J. Baillie Eraser : 1851.

SLEEMAN, MAJ.-GEN. SIR W. H., K.C.B., A Journey through the Kingdom of Oudh, in 1849–50 : 1858.

——————— Rambles and Recollections of an Indian Official : 1844.

SMITH, LIEUT.-GEN. SIR HARRY, BART., G.C.B., of Aliwal, The Autobiography of, by G. C. Moore-Smith : 1901.

SMITH, MAJ. L. F., Sketch of the Rise … of the Regular Corps … in the service of the Native Princes—with details of the late Mahratta War : 1805.

SMITH, LIEUT.-COL. R. B., by Col. H. M. Vibart, R.E. : 1897.

SMITH, MAJ.-GEN. SIR ROBERT MURDOCH, K.C.M.G., R.E., by W. K. Dickson : 1901.

SMITH, SAMUEL, India and its Problems : 1905.

SPRY, H. H., Modern India : 1837.

STANHOPE, EARL OF, The Rise of Our Indian Empire … till … 1783 : 1858.

STAVORINUS, REAR-ADML. J. S., Voyages to the E. Indies; translated from the original Dutch by S. W. Wilcocke : 1798.

STEEVENS, G. W., In India : 1899.

STEPHEN, SIR J. F., BART., K.C.S.I., by Sir Leslie Stephen : 1895.

STEWART, MAJ. C, The History of Bengal … until … A.D. 1757 : 1813.

STEWART, FIELD-MARSHAL SIR D. M., BART., G.C.B., etc., by G. R. Elsmie : 1903.

ST. GEORGE, FORT, Vicissitudes of, by D. Leighton : 1902.

STOCQUELER, J. H., Progress in India, from 1859–60–1872 : 1873.

STOLICZKA, DR. F., Diary of the late, Yarkand Mission, 1873–4, corrected by A. Hume, C.B. : 1875.

STRACHEY, SIR H., BART., Narrative of the Mutiny of the Officers of the Army in Bengal in 1766 : 1773.

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