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ELWOOD, A. K. (MRS. COL.), Narrative of a Journey Overland from England ... to India, including a residence there and voyage home, in the years 1825–8 : 1830.

EPISODES in the Life of an INDIAN CHAPLAIN, by a retired Chaplain : 1882.

ESDAILE, DR. J., Mesmerism in India : 1902.

EWART, DR. (SIR) J., The Poisonous Snakes of India : 1878.

EXMOUTH, VISCOUNT, by E. Osier : 1835.

EYRE, MAJ.-GEN. SIR V., Military Operations at Kabul . . . 1842, with a Journal of Imprisonment in Afghanistan : 1843.

FALCONER, DR. HUGH, Palaeontological Memoirs and Notes, with a biographical sketch of the author, edited by C. Murchison : 1868.

FANE, H. E., Five Years in India ; comprising a Narrative of Travels in the Presidency of Bengal, etc., : 1842.

FAWCETT, RIGHT HON. HENRY, by Leslie Stephen : 1885.

FAY, MRS. E., Original Letters from India : 1817.

FAYRER, SURG.-GENL. SIR J., BART., Recollections of My Life : 1900.

The Thanatophidia of India, being a Description of the Venomous Snakes of the Indian Peninsula : 1872.

FENTON, MRS., The Journal of, a Narrative of Her Life in India, etc., 1826–30, with Preface by Sir H. Lawrence, Bart. : 1901.

FERGUSSON, DR. J., History of Indian and Eastern Architecture : 1876.

Archaeology in India, etc. : 1884.

Tree and Serpent Worship : 1868.

FERRIER, ADJT.-GENL. J. P., Caravan Journeys and Wanderings: 1856 : 1857. History of the Afghans : 1858.

FERISHTA (MUHAMMAD KASIM), History of the Dekkan ... and ... of Bengal, to the year 1780, translated by Jonathan Scott : 1794.

FITZCLARENCE, GEORGE, EARL OF MUNSTER, Journal of a Route across India through Egypt to England, 1817–8 : 1819.

FORBES, ARCHIBALD, The Afghan Wars, 1839–42, and 1878–80 : 1892.

The Soldiers I have Known.

FORBES, CAPT. C. J. F. S., British Burma and its People : 1878.

FORBES, DUNCAN, Sketch of the Early Life of, written by himself : 1859.

FORBES, GORDON S., Wild Life in Canara and Ganjam : 1885.

FORBES, JAMES, Oriental Memoirs, 1813 : 1834–5.

FORBES-MITCHELL, W., Reminiscences of the Great Mutiny, 1857–9 : 1893.

FORCHHAMMER, E., Notes on the Early History and Geography of British Burma : 1891.

FORJETT, C, Our Real Danger in India : 1877.

FORREST, G. W., Cities of India : 1903.

Selections from the Letters, Despatches and other State Papers preserved in the Foreign Department of the Government of India, 1772–85 : 1890.

ditto, ditto, in Bombay Secretariat, Home Series, 2 vols. : 1887; Mahratta Series, vol. I. : 1885.

ditto, ditto, in the Military Department . . ., 1857–8 : 1893.

FORSTER, G., A Journey from Bengal to England, through the Northern Part of India, etc., etc. : 1798.

FORSYTH, SIR DOUGLAS, C.B., K.C.S.I., Autobiography and Reminiscences of, edited by his Daughter : 1887.

FORSYTH, CAPT. J., The Highlands of Central India : 1872.

FOSTER, W., A Descriptive Catalogue of the Paintings, Statues, and Framed Prints in the India Office : 1902–3.

FRANCIS, SIR PHILIP, by J. Parks and H. Merivale : 1867.

The Letters, by Sir Philip Francis and other Members of the Family, edited by B. F. and E. Keary : 1901.

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