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CUNNINGHAM, MAJ.-GEN. SIR ALEXANDER, The Ancient Geography of India :


CURRY AND RICE, on forty plates : by Capt. G. F. Atkinson : 1858.

CUST, R. N., Linguistic and Oriental Essays : several series : 1840–1903.

Memoirs of Past Years of a Septuagenarian : 1899.

Pictures of Indian Life, 1852–81 : 1881.

CUTHELL, E., AND CAPT. W. S. BURRELL, Indian Memories : 1893.

DACOSTA, J., Essays on Indian Affairs : 1892–5.

DALHOUSIE, MARQUIS OF, by Sir W. W. Hunter, K.C.S.I. : 1890.

by Sir W. Lee Warner, K.C.S.I. : 1904.

by Capt. L. J. Trotter : 1895.

Vindication of his Indian Administration, by Sir C. Jackson : 1865.

DALHOUSIE'S Administration of British India : by Sir E. Arnold, K.C.I.E., 1862, 1865.

DALRYMPLE, ALEXANDER, Account of the Subversion of the Legal Government at Madras, by imprisoning the Governor, Lord Pigot, in August, 1776 : Oriental Repertory : 1791–4 : 1808.

DALTON, COL. E. T., Descriptive Ethnology of Bengal : 1872.

DALTON, CAPT. J., Memoir of. Defender of Trichinopoly, 1752–3, by Charles Dalton : 1886.

DALY, GENERAL, SIR H. D., G.C.B., C.I.E., Memoir of, by Major H. Daly, C.S.I., C.I.E. : 1905.

DANIELL, T. AND W., Oriental Scenery of Hindostan : 1816.

DANVERS, F. C, Bengal, its Chief Agents and Governors : 1888.

India : 1877.

The Portuguese in India : 1894.

DARMSTETER, J., Lettres sur I'lnde. A la frontiere Afghane : 1888.

DAS, ABHAY CHARAN, The Indian Ryot, etc ... the Famine : 1881.

DAS, DEBENDRO NATH, Sketches of Hindu Life : 1887.

DAY, SURG.-MAJ., The Land of the Permauls, or Cochin, its Past and Present : 1863.

DE, REV. LAL BIHARI, Convert, Pastor, etc., by G. Macpherson : 1900.

Bengal Peasant Life, by : 1879 : 1898

DEAKIN, A., Irrigated India : 1893.

Temple and Tomb in India : 1893.

DEKKAN, A History of the, by J. D. B. Gribble : 1896.

An Historical and Political View of the : 1798.

DELHI, Past and Present, by H. C. Fanshawe, C.S.I. : 1902.

Siege of. The Chaplain's Narrative of the, by Rev. J. E. W. Rotton : 1858.

DELHI, 1857, The Siege, etc., by Col. Keith Young, C.B. : edited by Gen. Sir. H. W. Norman and Mrs. Keith Young : 1902.

DENISON, SIR W., Varieties of Vice-Regal Life : 1870.

DENNIE, COL. W. H., Personal Narrative of the Campaigns in Afghanistan, Sind, Beluchistan : 1843.

DEROZIO, HENRY, The Eurasian Poet, by T. Edwards : 1884.

DEY, RAM DULAL, by Girish Chandra Ghose : 1868.

DICKINSON, JOHN, India : its Government under a Bureaucracy : 1853.

DIGBY, W., "Prosperous" British India : 1901.

The Famine Campaign in Southern India, 1876–8 : 1878.

DILKE, SIR C. W., Greater Britain : 1869.

DIROM, MAJOR A., A Narrative of the Campaign in India in 1792 : 1793.

DOST MUHAMMAD KHAN, Life of the Amir, by Mohan Lal : 1846.

DOW, LIEUT.-COL. A., The History of Hindustan, translated by : 1768.

DOWNING, LIEUT. CLEMENT, A Compendious History of the Indian Wars : 1737.

DOWSON, JOHN, A Classical Dictionary of Hindu Mythology and Religion, etc. : 1879.

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