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ALEXANDER, MAJ.-GEN. SIR J. E., Travels from India to England, 1825–6 : 1827.

ALLEN, REV. J. M., Diary of a March through Sind and Afghanistan : 1843.

AMEER KHAN, the Pathan Soldier of Fortune, by Basawan Lai and H. T. Prinsep : 1832.

AMHERST, EARL, by A. Thackeray Fitchie and R. Evans : 1894.

ANDAMAN ISLANDERS, THE, Adventures and Researches among, by Dr. F. I. Monatt : 1863.

ISLANDS, THE, On the Aboriginal Inhabitants of, by E. H. Man : 1883.

ANDERSON, PHILIP, The English in Western India : 1854.

ANDREW, SIR W. P., India and her Neighbours : 1878.

Indian Railways : 1884.

Our Scientific Frontier : 1880.

ARGYLL, THE DUKE OF, India under Dalhousie and Canning : 1865.

ARNOLD, SIR EDWIN, India Revisited : 1886.

The Light of Asia (a poem) : 1900.

East and West : 1896.

ARRAH, Siege, Defence, and Victory of, in July, 1857, by One of the Garrison : 1897.

ATLAS OF INDIA (HAND), Constable : 1893.

(JOHNSTON'S), with an Introduction by Sir W. W. Hunter : 1894.

by T. W. Saunders : 1889. 

(STATISTICAL), by T. W. Saunders : 1888.

AUBER, PETER, Rise and Progress of the British Power in India : 1837.

AUCKLAND, EARL OF, by Capt. L. J. Trotter : 1893.

AYNSLEY,MRS. MURRAY, Our Visit to Hindustan, Kashmir, and Ladak : 1879.

BADEN-POWELL B.H., C.I.E., The Land System of British India : 1892.

The Origin and Growth of Village Communities in India : 1899.

BAIRD, SIR DAVID, G.C.B., Bart., by Theodore Hook : 1832.

BAKER, GENL. SIR W. ERSKINE, K.C.B., : by Two Old Friends : 1882.

BALL, V., Jungle Life in India : or the Journeys and Journals of an Indian Geologist : 1880.

BANESS, J. F., Index Geographicus Indicus : 1881.

BANERJEE, REV. K. M., by Ram Chandra Ghosa : 1893.

BARRAS, COL. JULIUS, India and Tiger-Hunting : 1883.

The New Shikari at our Indian Stations : 1885.

BATEMAN CHAMPAIN, SIR JOHN, Career of, by Col. R. Murdoch Smith . 1887.

BAYLEY, SIR E. C, The History of India as told by its own Historians : The Local Muhammadan Dynasties, Gujarat : 1886.

BEATSON, LT.-COL. A... War with Tippoo Sultan in 1799 : 1800.

BEATSON, SURG.-GENL. W. B., Indian Medical Service, Past and Present : 1902–3.

BELL, ANDREW, by R. Southey and his Son.

BELL, MAJOR EVANS, Our Great Vassal Empire : 1870.

BELL, J. H., British Folks and British India, 50 years ago : 1891.

BELLEW, SURG.-GENL. H. W., C.S.L, An Enquiry into the Ethnography of Afghanistan : 1891.

From the Indus to the Tigris in 1872 : 1874.

Journal of a Political Mission to Afghanistan in 1857 : 1862.

Kashmir and Kashgar : 1875.

BENDALL, CECIL, A Journey of Literary and Archaeological Research in Nipal and N. India, during the Winter of 1884–5 : 1886.

BENGAL, Historical and Ecclesiastical Sketches in, from the Earliest Settlement until 1757 : 1829.

BENTINCK, LORD W., by Demetrius Boulger : 1892.

BEYNON, LT. W. G. L., With Kelly to Chitral : 1896.

BHOPAL, SIKANDAR BEGAM OF, by Sambhu Chunder Mookerjee.

BHUTAN WAR, Story of the, by Dr. Rennie.

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