of May 26, 1879, with Sir Louis Cavagnari on behalf of the Governor-General, and accepted a British Resident at Kabul. He made no effort to protect or rescue the British Resident, Sir Louis Cavagnari (q.v.) and party, when they were attacked and killed on Sep. 3, 1879: he surrendered to Sir F. Roberts, and, being held responsible for their deaths, abdicated, after a weak reign of 9 months: was sent down to India on Dec. I, 1879, and kept there as a State prisoner.
Son of Edward Yardley: born 1810: educated at Shrewsbury: called to the bar from the Middle Temple: appointed to be a Puisne Judge of the Bombay Supreme Court, 1847: knighted: Chief Justice, 1852–8: was an unsuccessful candidate for Parliament: died Dec. 15, 1878.
Born Feb. 28, 1853: son of Rev. Charles Yate: educated at Shrewsbury and St. John's College, Cambridge: entered the Army, 1875, and became Lt-Colonel, 1982: Bombay Staff Corps, 1879: served in Afghan war, 1879–81: Afghan Boundary Commission, 1884–5: Burmese war, 1886–8: author of LtColonel John Haughton, a Hero of Tirah; The Army and the Press in 1901.
Educated at Shrewsbury: entered the Army, 1867, and became Colonel, 1901: served in Afghan war, 1880–1: Afghan Frontier Commission, 1884–8: British Commissioner, Russian-Afghan Frontier, 1887 and 1892: Consul-General, for Khorasan and Seistan at Mashad, Persia, 1893–8: Resident, Western Rajputana, 1898: Chief Commissioner of Beluchistan, 1900–5: C.S.I., 1887: C.M.G., 1888.
YATES, REV. WILLIAM, D.D. (1792–1846)
Born Dec. 15, 1792: son of a shoemaker at Loughborough: was a schoolmaster: studied at Baptist College at Bristol: ordained Aug. 31, 1814: to India in 1815 under the Baptist Missionary Society: joined W. Carey (q.v.) at Serampur: left him in 1817, and established the Calcutta Missionary Union: preached and toured: and wrote a number of educational works, in Bengali, Hindustani, Hindi, Sanskrit, and Arabic: was Pastor of the English Church, Circular Road, Calcutta, 1829–39: translated the Bible into Bengali: portions of it into Sanskrit, the Psalms into Bengali and into Sanskrit metre: also studied the Classics, Hebrew, Chinese: D.D. of Brown University, 1839: died at sea, July 3, 1845: published also Sanskrit and Hindustani dictionaries: and an edition of the Sanskrit Nalodaya: Essays in Reply to Rammohan Roy
Maj-General: son of Harry Farr Yeatman: took the additional name of Biggs: intended for the bar: entered the Royal Artillery, 1860: in the China war, 1861–2: in India on the Staff: in S. Africa, 1879: in Egypt, 1882: A.A.G. in India, 1894: commanded the Presidency District, 1895: in the Tirah campaign, 1897, commanded a Division which captured the Dargai heights: died Jan. 4, 1898: C.B.
YOUNG, ROBERT (1822–1888)
Son of George Young: born Sep. 10, 1822: educated at private schools: became printer and bookseller, 1847: studied Hebrew and Oriental languages: was at Surat, 1856–61, as literary Missionary and Superintendent of the Mission press there: learnt Gujarati and other Oriental languages: published the Analytical Concordance of the Bible: died Oct. 14, 1888.
Entered the E. I. Co.'s service in Bombay: served at Seringapatam, in Malabar, at capture of Colombo, in the Cingalese war: organized an efficient plan for recruiting the Army, adopted by Government: in the Dekkan war forwarded supplies to the Army under Sir A. Wellesley: Baronet, 1821: Director of the E. I. Co.: died March 10, 1848.
I.C.S.: son of Captain Sir George Young, R.N.: educated at Eton and King's College, Cambridge: Fellow: entered the Bengal Civil Service, 1863: Financial Commissioner of Panjab, 1889–95: Member of the Governor-General's Legislative