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Army, 1852, and became Colonel, 1865 : served in Burmese war, 1852–3 : Crimean war, 1855–6 : Indian mutiny, 1857–8, at Lucknow and the Alambagh : China, 1860 : commanded Red River expedition, 1870 : Brevet-Lt-Colonel : commanded the Forces in Ashanti war, 1872 : Maj-General : K.C.B. : G.C.M.G. : Governor of Natal, 1879 : Q.M.G. at War Office, 1880 : A.G. at War Office, 1882–5 : C. in C, in Egyptian campaign, 1882, and of Gordon relief expedition, 1884–5 : A.G. at War Office, 1885–90 : C. in C., Ireland, 1890–5 : Field Marshal, 1894 : C. in C., of the Army, 1895–1900 : K.P. : P.C: G.C.B.: G.C.M.G. : D.C.L. : LL.D. : author of The Soldier's Pocket Book,

Life of the Duke of Marlborough, Decline and Fall of Napoleon, The Story of a Soldier's Life.


Born July 11, 1839 : son of Major Garlet J. Wolseley, and brother of Visdount Wolseley : educated privately : entered the Army, 1857, and became Maj-General, 1892 : served in the Indian mutiny, 1857–8; Afghan campaign, 1878–80 : Brevet-Lt-Colonel : Egyptian campaign, 1882 : Tel-el-Kebir : in the Nile campaign, 1884–5 : C.B. : Burmese war, 1886–8, as Brig-General : K.C.B. : Lt-General in command of the Forces, Panjab, 1897–8, and Madras, 1898–1904.


Son of Colonel Thomas Wood, M.P. : born Jan. 6, 1812 : educated at the R.M.A., Woolwich : joined the Royal Artillery, 1829 : became Maj-General, 1867 : General, 1877 : served at the Cape, 1842–3 : in the Crimea, at the battles, and commanded R.H.A. : C.B. : in the mutiny, commanded Artillery under Sir Colin Campbell : as Brig-General at the capture of Lucknow, and in subsequent operations, 1857–9 : K.C.B. : commanded the R.A. at Aldershot, 1864–5, and Woolwich Garrison, 1869–74 : Colonel Commandant, R.H.A. : G.C.B., 1877 : died Oct. 16, 1894.


Field Marshal : born Feb. 9, 1838 : son of Rev. Sir John Page Wood, Bart. : educated at Marlborough : entered the Navy, 1852 : was in the Naval Brigade in the Crimea, 1854–5 : severely wounded at the Redan, June 18, 1855, when A.D.C. to Sir W. Peel (q.v.) : joined the 13th Light Dragoons, 1855 : in the 17th Lancers in the Indian Mutiny : gained the V.C. : called to the bar from the Middle Temple, 1874 : passed the Staff College : served in the Ashanti, Kafir, Zulu and Transvaal campaigns : commanded a Brigade in the Egyptian Expedition, 1882 : raised the Egyptian Army, 1883 : was in the Nile Expedition, 1894–5 : at different times, commanded at Chatham, the Eastern District, and the Aldershot Division : Q.M.G. of the Army, 1893–7 : Adjt-Gen., 1897–1901 : has commanded the 2nd Army Corps since 1901 : has written on military subjects : C.B., 1874 : K.C.B., 1879 : G.C.M.G., 1882 : G.C.B., 1891 : D.L. and Field-Marshal.


Son of General John S. Wood, Lieutenant of the Tower of London : born in 1826 : entered the Indian Army in 1843 : joined the 4th Bombay N.I. in 1844 : served under Sir C. Napier in 1845–6 : in the Panjab campaign, 1848–9 : in Persia, 1856–7 : in the Indian mutiny, throughout the Central India campaign under Sir Hugh Rose : frequently mentioned in despatches : entered the Bom-bay Staff Corps in 1861 : in the Abyssinian expedition, 1867–8 : C.B. : Brig-General in Bombay, 1875–80 : in the Afghan campaign, 1879–80 : General in 1889 : K.C.B. in 1894 : in May, 1904, gazetted Colonel of the 104th ("Wellesley's") Rifles in the Indian Army : died at Boulogne, Aug. 5, 1904.


Son of Lt-Colonel Herbert William Wood, Madras N.I. : born July 17, 1837 : educated at Cheltenham and Addiscombe, Chatham : to Madras in the Engineers, 1857 : in the mutiny in the Sagar Field Division under Whitlock, at Banda and Kirwi and other engagements in 1858 : Field Engineer in Abyssinia, 1868 : Major : while on furlough went in the Grand Duke Constantine's expedition to investigate the Amu Darya : wrote The Shores of Lake Aral, 1876 : died in India, Oct.

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