erary Society, 1835 : M.R.A.S., 1836 : the first to decipher Asoka inscriptions at Girnar : wrote on The Parsi Religion, 1843 : F.R.S., 1845 : President of the "Cave Temple Commission," 1848–61, to examine the antiquities connected with the cave temples, and wrote about them and the Commission's work : in the mutiny he deciphered the rebels' cryptic correspondence : original Fellow, 1857, and Vice-Chancellor of the Bombay
University, 1868 : in 1870, Moderator of the General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland : died Dec. I, 1875, near Bombay : greatly esteemed by the highest officers, the natives and visitors. He travelled in Palestine, 1843, and wrote The Lands of the Bible : wrote also a History of the Suppression of Infanticide in W. India, 1855 : India Three Thousand Years Ago, 1858; on the Hindu religion; on Caste, and on the Evangelization of India.
I.C.S. : born 1808 : son of Alexander Wilson, M.C.S. and F.R.S. : educated at Brasenose College, Oxford, and Haileybury : was in the Bengal Civil Service, 1827–59 : in the mutiny was Judge of Moradabad : led an attack. May 21, 1857, against Muhammadan fanatics from Rampur and routed them : the sepoys threatened to shoot him : he escaped to Meerut and searched through the country for fugitive Christians : helped to save 64. Lord Canning men- tioned him first of civil officers, as having " aved more Christian lives than any man in India" : was in action with Seaton's column at Gangari : rendered important services, after the mutiny, as Special Commissioner for the trial of rebels and mutineers : retired, 1859 : C.B., 1860, for his services : in New Zealand, was Member of the House of Representatives in three Parliaments : K.C.S.I., 1872 : died there March 2, 1881.
Lt-General : born about 1820 : entered the Army, 1838 : in the mutiny was Captain : A.A.G. to Sir H. Lawrence at Lucknow : was at the action at Chinhut : spiked 2 guns : in the room at the Residency, Lucknow, when Lawrence was mortally wounded : was General Inglis' right-hand man : his "splendid conduct" recorded : A.D.C. to Queen Victoria : C.B. : Secretary in the Military Department at the India Office : was Military Member of the Supreme Council from May 2, 1881 : died, while Member, Feb. 28, 1886.
Born Oct. 8, 1810 : son of Admiral William Windham : educated at Sandhurst : joined the Coldstream Guards at 16 : served in Canada in 1838–42 : Colonel, 1854 : A.Q.M.G. of a Division in the Crimea : engaged at Alma and Balaclava, and commanded a Division at Inkerman : C.B. in 1855 : commanded a Brigade : led the storming party at the assault of the Redan, Sept. 1855 : showed heroic bravery : "seemed to bear a charmed life" : Major-General : Chief of the Staff to Sur W. J. Codrington : M.P. for East Norfolk, 1857 : volunteered for India in the mutiny of 1857 : placed in command at Cawnpur : on Nov. 26, 1857, he defeated Gwalior troops under Tantia Topi, but later, through the failure of a subordinate officer, was unable to hold Cawnpur against the attack of a larger Gwalior force : was transferred to the command of the Lahore Division : returned to England in 1861 : Lt-General, 1863 : K.C.B., 1865 : commanded the Forces in Canada, 1867–70 : died Feb. 4, 1870.
I.C.S. : son of Rev. WiUiam Wingate : educated at Elizabeth College, Guernsey; at Kensington, and Universities of London and Heidelberg : went to Bombay in the Civil Service, 1869 : Commissioner in Sind : Member of the Governor-General's Legislative Council, 1897 : Secretary to Bombay Government in the Plague Department, 1898 : Commissioner, Central Division, Bombay, 1900–02 : C.I.E., 1879 : K.C.I.E., 1899.
Son of Andrew Wingate : educated at Addiscombe : served in the Bombay Engineers from 1829 : retired as Major : was Revenue Survey Commissioner in Bombay : K.C.S.I., 1866 : died Feb, 7. 1879.