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General: entered the Indian Army, 1844: in the 66th N.I. under Sir Colin Campbell in 1851, on the Peshawar frontier: in the mutiny, was in the Kumaon Hills: in Feb. 1858, at Chorpura, his men being staggered by the enemy's fire, he dashed forward and engaged the gunners in hand-to-hand fight: gained the V.C.: commanded the 4th Gurkhas in the Umbeyla campaign, 1863: in the Hazara expedition under Sir Alfred Wilde: in the Lushai expedition, 1871–2: C.B.: in the Afghan war, 1878–9, commanded a Brigade on the Khyber line: resigned after the treaty of Gandamak for ill-health: after the rising of Kabul on Sep. 3, 1879, he returned to duty, commanded against the Zaimushts: died of pneumonia at Thai, Feb. 14, 1880.


Educated at the Parental Academy,now the Doveton College, and the Medical College, Calcutta: M.D. St. Andrew's: F.R.C.S., Edinburgh: L.R.C.P.: L.M.: L.S.A.: joined the Indian Medical Department, 1863: Superintendent of Central and District jails at Meerut and Agra: C.I.E., 1886: accompanied the Maharaja of Bhartpur to England for Queen Victoria's Jubilee, 1887: K.B., 1888: Inspr-General of Prisons, N.W.P. and Oudh, 1884, and from 1890 till he retired: knighted.


Born Jan. 7, 1841: son of Rev. Roper Trevor Tyler: educated at Woolwich: entered the Royal Artillery, 1859, and became Maj-General, 1900: Colonel on the Staff, Poona, 1893–5: Brig-General, R.A., Panjab, 1895–7: Inspr-General of Artillery, India, since 1897: C.S.I., 1903.


I.C.S.: son of George Udny, B.C.S.: educated at Aberdeen University: en-tered the Bengal Civil Service, 1869, and retired, 1899: served as Political Officer in the following expeditions: Jowaki, 1877–8: Mahsud-Waziri, 1881: Miranzai, 1891: Isazai, Black Mountain, 1892: Tirah, 1897–8: Commissioner of Pesha war Division, 1891: Boundary Commissioner of the Indo-Afghan frontier, 1894–7: K.C.S.I., 1897.

UNWIN, HENRY (1810–1870)

I.C.S.: son of John Unwin of the Treasury: educated at Charterhouse, 1816–26, and Haileybury, 1826–8: to Calcutta, 1829: served at Balasore, 1830: nearly died from his exertions in a famine in that district: served in the Customs in Calcutta: Magte-Collector of Mainpuri, N.W.P.: in the famine of 1838 there: Commissioner, Agra Division: Judge of the Sadr Court at Agra, throughout the mutiny of 1857: wrecked in the P. and O. Ava off Trincomalee, on his voyage home: returned to India, 1859: retired, as Senior Judge of the Agra Sadr Court, 1860: died 1870.

UNWIN, ROBERT (1821–1903)

Maj-General: entered the Indian Army in 1840: served in 1842 with the force under Sir W. Nott from Kandahar to Kabul: in the Gwalior campaign and at Maharajpur in 1843: at the battles of the Satlaj campaign, 1845–6: and in the Panjab Campaign, 1848–9: through the Indian mutiny: at the relief of Lucknow and its final capture in March, 1858: Cantonment Magistrate, 1858–74, when he retired and became Maj-General: died Oct. 12, 1903.


Born Aug. 28, 1847: son of J. S. Upcott: educated at Sherborne and King's College, London: entered the P.W.D., India, 1868, and was employed in construction of Indian railways: Consulting Engineer for Railways, Madras, 1892: Director-General of Railways, India, 1896: Secretary in the P.W.D. of the Government of India, 1898–1901: Government Director of Indian Railways, England, 1901–4: President of the new Railway Board, India, 1905.


Born Dec. 7, 1770: educated at Stanford, Rugby, and B.N.C., Oxford: joined

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