to Government, 1812; Chief Secretary, 1814 : left India, 1815; became a Director of the E. I. Co., 1826 : Chairman of the Court, 1834, 1847 : died June 14, 1851 : wrote on Indian Finance, and The Sphinx.
TUCKER, HENRY TOD (1808–1896)
Son of Colonel G. P. Tucker : entered the Bengal Infantry, 1824 : on the head-quarters staff under Sir Hugh Gough in the Satlaj campaign, 1845–6, at Sobraon : Deputy Adjutant-General in the Panjab campaign, 1848–9, at Chilianwala and Gujarat : Brevet-Lt-Colonel and C.B. : Adjutant-General, 1850–54; A.D.C. to Queen Victoria : retired, 1856 : Maj-General : died Aug. 6, 1896.
Son of John Tulloch : born 1803 : educated at Edinburgh : joined the 45th regt. in Burma in 1827 : paid much attention to Army reform and brought to light many abuses in respect of the soldiers' food, pay, liquor, pensions, health : passed through the R.M.C., Sandhurst : Colonel, 1854 : on the Commission of Inquiry into the Commissariat in the Crimea, the subject of much controversy : K.C.B., 1857 : Maj-General, 1859 : died May 16, 1864.
Major: born April 16, 1835 : son of General John Tulloch : educated at Kensington Grammar School and Addiscombe : entered the Indian Engineers, 1855 : served in P.W.D. till 1868 : Municipal Engineer of Bombay, 1868 to 1873; Engineering Inspector to Local Government Board, Whitehall, 1873–97 : retired, 1897 : C.B., 1898.
TULSI BAI ( ? –1817)
Wife of Jaswant Rao Holkar, Maharaja of Indore : on his becoming insane in 1808, she assumed the regency of the State, adopting an infant, Malhar Rao : she was of profligate habits, cruel and vindictive : administered justice from behind the curtain : she put down rebellion by help of Amir Khan (q.v.) : killed her Prime Minister, Balaram Set : fled in 1817 from her capital, and meditated a peaceful arrangement with the British force entering on the Mahratta war of 1817–8. But the faction in Indore, bent on war with the British, seized her and decapitated her shortly before the battle of Mahidpur on Dec. 21, 1817.
I.C.S. : educated at University College, London : entered the Bengal Civil Service, 1862 : Accountant-General, Madras, 1878–81 : Bombay, 1882 : Calcutta, 1883 : Allahabad, 1883–9 : retired, 1889 : formed the Bimetallic League, 1881 : co-operated in establishing the Central Asian Society, 1901 : lectured for East Indian Association on various Indian topics : author of The Indian Civil Service and the Competitive System, 1875; Gazetteer of the N.W.P., India, 1877; The Indian Civil Service List, 1880; The Competitive Civil Service of India, 1882 : F.S.S.
Entered the Indian Army, 1861, and became Colonel, 1891 : served in the Hazara campaign, 1868 : Afghan war, 1878–80 : Mahsud-Waziri expedition, 1881 : Zhob Field Force, 1890 : Miranzai expedition, 1891 : Brevet-Colonel : Waziristan expedition, 1894–5 : C.B., 1897 : Colonel on the Staff at Faizabad, Oudh.
Born March 6, 1833 : son of Rev. John Fisher Turner : educated at Exeter Grammar school and Exeter College, Oxford : called to the bar, 1858 : appointed Puisne Judge of the High Court at Allahabad, 1866 : Chief Justice of the High Court, Madras, 1879–85 : Member of the Council of India, 1888–98 : K.C.I.E., 1879.
TURNER, SIR FRANK (1813–1890)
General : entered the Royal Artillery, 1830 : commanded a battery of Artillery during the mutiny : rendered important service at Delhi, Lucknow, Cawnpur : Colonel, 1858 : Inspr-General of Ordnance in Bengal, 1864–74 : General, 1877 : Colonel Commandant R.A., 1882 : K.C.B., 1886 : died Dec. 19, 1890.
Educated at Christ Church, Oxford : First Class, 1804 : Rector of Wilmslow :