Cornwallis in person, in 1791, besieged and took Bangalore on March 21 : attacked Seringapatam, but failed and had to retire : he took the Nandidrug and Savandrug forts, and again besieged Seringapatam in Feb. 1792, where, finding resistance hopeless, Tippoo yielded, and made great cessions of money and territory, but kept his throne and capital : Tippoo sought the aid of Zaman Shah, the Afghan ruler, and of the French in the Mauritius, against the English, but obtained Uttle help. Lord Mornington, arriving in India in May, 1798, regarded Tippoo's conduct as openly hostile, and, failing to obtain any satisfaction from correspondence with him, declared war early in 1799. Tippoo's forces were defeated by the English under Generals Harris, Stuart, Baird, and Colonel Arthur Wellesley; and at the capture of
Seringapatam, on May 4, 1799, by the English, Tippoo was killed : his sons were made prisoners and sent to Vellore : the greater part of his territory divided between the E. I. Co. and the Nizam : a portion being made over to the Hindu titular Raja of Mysore. His energy and ability as a ruler were overshadowed by his ferocity, cruelty and vindictiveness, and by the bigotry, fanaticism and duplicity which attach to his memory.
Born July 29, 1829 : educated at King's College, and St. Peter's College, Cambridge : Scholar : ordained 1842 : D.D., 1877 : was Secretary of the Christian Vernacular Education Society of India for 3 years : held various charges in the Church in England before he was appointed the first Bishop of Rangoon in 1877 : held the see from 1878 to 1882 : injured by an accident : appointed a Bishop for Northern and Central Europe, 1884–6 : died April 2, 1887 : wrote Personal Recollections of British Burma, and its Church Mission Work in 1878–9, on Buddhism, and two works on Religion.
TOD, JAMES (1782–1835)
Son of James Tod : born March 20, 1782 : went to Bengal in 1799 in the E. I. Co.'s service : joined the 2nd European regt. : with the embassy to Sindia, 1805 : while attached to the Resident at Gwalior, 1812–7, he collected much information of the country : surveyed and mapped Rajputana : in charge of Intelligence Department in the Pindari campaign, 1817 : appointed in 1818 Political Agent in W. Rajput States : retired, 1822–3 : wrote the Annals and Antiquities of Rajasthan, or the Central and Western Rajput States of India, 1829–32; Travels in Western India, published in 1839 : was Librarian to the Royal Asiatic Society, and wrote in the Society's Transactions : Lt-Colonel : died Nov. 17, 1835.
TODD, ELLIOTT D'ARCY (1808–1845)
Major : son of Fryer Todd : born Jan. 28, 1808 : educated at Ware, London and Addiscombe : joined the Bengal Artillery at Calcutta, 1824 : at the capture of Bhartpur, Jan. 1826 : studied Persian : sent to Persia as Artillery Instructor of the Persian troops, 1833 : Military Secretary to Sir H. L. Bethune, 1836 : went as Secretary of the Legation with Sir John McNeill to the Persian camp at Herat, 1838 : travelled from Herat vid Kandahar, Kabul, and Peshawar with despatches to Simla in 60 days : Military Secretary in 1838 to (Sir W. H. ) Macnaghten : sent to make a treaty with Shah Kamran at Herat : became Political Agent at Herat, 1839–41 : in consequence of Kamran's duphcity, withdrew in Feb. 1841, to Kandahar : Lord Auckland, annoyed at this independent action, removed Todd from political employ, and he rejoined the Artillery : in the Satlaj campaign : was at Mudki, and was killed at Firozshahr, Dec. 21, 1845.
Born Dec. 10, 1843 : son of Philip Champion Toker : educated at Victoria College, Jersey : entered the Bengal Army, 1860, and became Maj-General, 1897 : served in Bhutan expedition, 1864–5 : Egyptian expedition, 1882, as D.A.A.G., Indian Contingent : Brevet-Lt-Colonel : Burma war, 1886–7, in com- mand of 18th Bengal Infantry : C.B. : Deputy Secretary to Government of India, Military Department, 1887–92 : Superintendent of Army Clothing, Bengal, 1892–7 : passed high examinations in Oriental languages : author of translations of several military text books into the Urdu, Hindi and Gurmukhi languages.