SKINNER, JAMES (1778–1841)
Son of Lt-Colonel Hercules Skinner, a Scotchman, and a Rajput lady : born in 1778 : joined the Mahratta Army under Count De Boigne in 1796, and remained in it, performing active service under Perron, until 1803. He fought against the adventurer, George Thomas. Being obliged to resign Sindia's service on the outbreak of the Mahratta war, James Skinner was employed by Lord Lake to raise "Skinner's Horse," with which "Irregular Horse" he distinguished himself, rendering great assistance to General Monson on his retreat before Holkar and in subsequent engagements : his regiment, the "Yellow Boys," was at the siege of Bhartpur, 1825–6. He was granted, in 1818, a jagir yielding Rs. 20,000 a year, and appointed to be a Lt-Colonel in his Majesty's service and made C.B. He was highly regarded by successive Governors-General, Commanders-in-Chief, and high officials. He died Dec. 4, 1841, at Hansi, and was eventually buried, on Jan, 17, 1842, in the church which he had himself built at Delhi at a cost of £20,000.
SKINNER, THOMAS (1800?–1843)
Son of Lt-General John Skinner : born about 1800 : joined the i6th foot, 1816 : wrote Excursions in India, about his travels in the Himalayas : took the overland route to India, 1833, via Egypt, Palestine, Syria, Euphrates and the Persian Gulf, and wrote an account of his adventures, 1836 : commanded the 31st regt. with Pollock's Army of Retribution to Kabul, 1842 : at Tezin, Sep. 13, 1842 : C.B. : Brevet-Lt-Colonel : died May 6, 1843.
I.C.S. : born Dec. 23, 1847 : son of Captain Clarmont Skrine : educated at Blackheath School : entered the Indian Civil Service, 1868 : Collector of Customs, Calcutta, 1895 : Commissioner of Chittagong Division, 1896 : retired 1897 : author of Laborious Days, 1892; An Indian Journalist, The Heart of Asia, The Life of Sir W. W. Hunter, K.C.S.I.; The Expansion of Russia, etc.
Born March 16, 1843 : Maj-General : son of General Sir Marcus Slade : educated at Woolwich : entered the Royal Artillery, 1861 : served in Bazar Valley expedition, 1878 : Afghan campaign, 1879–80 : commanded a battery at battle of Maiwand, and battle of Kandahar : C.B. 1881 : Transvaal campaign, 1881–2 : Military Attache at Rome, 1887–95 : in Abyssinia with Italian troops : A.D.C. to Queen Victoria : commanded R.A. in N.E. District : has commanded British troops in Egypt since 1903.
Colonel : born Nov. 20, 1827 : son of Dr. Ramsey Sladen : educated at Oswestry : went to India in 1849 : joined the 1st Madras Fusiliers : was in the Burmese war of 1852–3 and in the operations against rebels in 1856–7 : at the taking of Lucknow in March, 1858, and in the Oudh campaign : joined the Staff Corps, and returned to Burma : on special duty to Mandalay, 1866, saved the lives of Christians there : negotiated a treaty at Mandalay, 1867 : led a political Mission to Chinese frontier, 1868 : Commissioner of Arakan, 1876–85 : Chief Political officer in the Burmese, war, 1885–6 : knighted, 1886 : retired, 1887 : died Jan. 4, 1890 : wrote an account of the Expedition to China via Bhamo, 1869.
Born Aug. 18, 1788 : son of Philip Sleeman : joined the Bengal Army in 1809 : was in the Nipal war, 1814–6 : Assistant A.G.G. for the Sagar and Nerbudda territories, from 1820 : General Superintendent of the Operations for the suppression of Thagi, 1835 : and of Dakaiti also, from 1839 : was Resident at Gwalior, 1843–9 : and at Lucknow 1849–56 : advised against the annexation of Oudh : his assassination attempted, 1851 : died at sea off Ceylon, Feb. 10, 1856 : wrote Rambles and Recollections of an Indian Official, 1844; A Journey through the Kingdom of Oudh in 1849–50, 1858; a vocabulary of the peculiar language used by the Thags, 1836, and other works on Indian subjects : Maj-General.
I.C.S. : son of second Marquis : born March 14, 1831 : educated at Rugby