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Born May 24, 1841 : son of George Scott : educated at Winchester and Woolwich : entered the Royal Engineers, 1862 : volunteered for service in India, and was employed in public works, railways and irrigation : Musketry Inspector at Chatham : Instructor in Fortifications, Sandhurst : Professor of Artillery and Fortifications, 1882–9 : inventor of telescopic and automatic sights : retired : C.B., 1897.


Born Dec. 5, 1843 : son of Maj-General W. S. Scott, Bengal Artillery : educated at Marlborough and Addiscombe : entered the Indian Army, 1861 : served in Abyssinian expedition, 1867–8, at the capture of Magdala : A.D.C. to Lord Napier of Magdala when C. in C. in India : Chitral Relief, 1895, as C.O. of nth Bengal Lancers : C.B. : Maj-General : retired.


Born Aug. 3, 1836 : son of Robert Scott-Moncrieff : educated at Edinburgh Academy and Addiscombe : entered the Bengal Engineers, 1856, and retired with rank of Colonel, 1883 : served in the mutiny, 1857–8 : in Irrigation Department, N.W.P.: in Burma as Chief Engineer: Under Secretary of State, Public Works, Cairo. 1883–92 : President of Indian Irrigation Commission, 1902–3 : Under Secretary for Scotland, 1892–1902 : C.S.I. , 1878 : K.C.S.I., 1903 : K.C.M.G., 1887 : LL.D., Edinburgh.


Born Oct. 3, 1855 : son of Major A. P. Scott : educated at Edinburgh Academy and Woolwich : entered the Royal Engineers : served in Afghan campaigns, 1878–80 : Waziristan, 1901 : Instructor. School of Military Engineering, 1893–8 : commanded R.E., China expedition, 1900–1 : C.I.E., 1900.

SCRAFTON, LUKE ( ?–1769)

In the service of the E. I. Co. : was Third at Dacca in 1756, and was made prisoner by the Nawab of Bengal : in 1757 was employed by Clive in the negotiations which resulted in Mir Jafar's being made Nawab Nazim : Scrafton was made Resident at Murshidabad : it devolved on him, under Clive's order, to tell Omichund that the duplicate treaty given to him was a trick. When Clive was made Governor of Bengal, 1857, Scrafton succeeded him in the Calcutta Council, Warren Hastings succeeding Scrafton at Murshidabad. He was appointed in 1769, with Vansittart and Colonel Francis Forde, to be a Commission of Inquiry into Bengal affairs : they were all lost at sea in the Aurora.


Entered the Army in 1835 : in the 4th Light Dragoons in the Afghan war, 1838–9, at Ghazni : in the Panjab campaign of 1848–9, in the principal engagements : seriously wounded at Gujarat : commanded his regt. under Sir Hugh Rose in Central India during the mutiny : at Jhansi, Koonch, Kalpi, Morar, Gwalior : in command of a flying column in the Gwalior and Jhansi territory : C.B. : Brevet-Lt-Colonel : Maj-General, 1875 : died Jan. 11, 1880.


Born 1822 : the eldest and probably the most distinguished of Dr. John Scudder's sons : one of the most gifted men that have laboured in India : probably no Missionary in South India has used the spoken Tamil with greater power, and but a few have attained a greater mastery over the classical dialect. His books, notably Spiritual Teaching, The Bazaar Book, and Jewel Mine of Salvation, have proved invaluable aids to Missionaries and native preachers : they are still used in the Arcot districts : also he made an excellent translation of the liturgy. Arriving in America, he became pastor of a prominent church in San Francisco, and afterwards built up strong churches in Brooklyn and Chicago : thus he worked with distinguished success on two continents : died 1895 : M.D, and D.D.

SCUDDER, DR. JOHN (1793– ? )

Born Sept. 3, 1793, at Freehold, New Jersey,son of Joseph Scudder and grandson of Dr. Nathaniel Scudder (killed in the revolutionary war, 1781) : his ancestor.

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