died at Posilippo, near Naples, Feb. 9, 1905.
Writer at Fort St. George, Madras, 1732 : Factor and Sub-accountant, 1737 : Second in Council at Vizagapatam, 1740 : Senior Merchant and Resident at Irigeram, 1743 : Fifth in Council at Fort St. David, 1748–9, and Chief at Vizagapatam, 1749 : Governor of Madras at Fort St. David, Sep. 19, 1750 : President in Council : his Government re-established at Fort St. George, April 5, 1752 : made a treaty with M. Godeheu, 1754 : he resigned the Governorship and service, Jan. 14, 1755.
Born 1809 : called to the Irish bar, 1829 : Q.C., 1849 : Puisne Judge of the Bombay Supreme Court, 1856–9 : Chief Justice, 1859–62 : and of the High Court, Bombay, 1862–6 : died Nov. 5, 1867.
Born Dec. 22, 1840 : son of M. Saward : educated at Merchant Taylors' and Addiscombe : entered the Bengal Artillery 1859, and became Maj-General, 1896 : A.D.C. to General Sir H. Tombs and General Sir C. T. Chamberlain : A.Q.M.G., 1874 : A.A.G., Artillery in India, 1889–94 : Colonel on Staff, 1895–6 : Lieutenant: Governor of Guernsey and Alderney, 1899–1903.
A leading Muhammadan in Bombay : Honorary Magistrate : President of the Municipal Corporation : Member of the Legislative Councils of Bombay and the Governor General : presided over the twelfth National Congress : died June 6, 1902.
Born April 3, 1857 : son of T. N. Scallon : educated at University College, and King's College Schools, London : entered the Army, 1876, and Bombay Staff Corps, 1877 : Officiating C.O. of 23rd Bombay L.I., 1893–4 : Acting Inspr-General, Imperial Service troops, 1897 : served in Afghan campaigns, 1878–9, in the Kabul-Kandahar march. Burma expedition, 1886–8, D.S.O. : Tirah expedition, 1897–8 : Mahsud-Waziri expedition, 1900–2 : commanded Aden column in the Aden Hinterland, 1903 : D.S.O. : C.I.P:. : C.B. : Colonel.
I.C.S. : educated at Haileybury, 1840–1 : went out to Lower Bengal, 1842 : was Commissioner of Orissa, 1867 : acted as Chairman of the Calcutta Cor-poration and Commissioner of Police : Member of the Board of Revenue, 1869– 77 : and Member of the Bengal Legislative Council : an authority on revenue matters in Bengal : C.S.I. : retired, 1877 : died Dec. 3, 1877.
Born 1845 : wife of a practising barrister in Madras : took her M.B. and B.S. degrees in London, 1882 : went to India, 1883, and was appointed Lecturer in Midwifery at Madras Medical College, and Examiner to the Madras University : took M.D. degree in 1888 : M.S. in 1896 : practises in London : author of A Woman's Words to Women.
A prominent Russian Orientalist : born July, 1817 : educated at Reval and the University, St. Petersburg : studied Philology under Prof. Graefe : also at Berlin, 1840–2, under Bopp and others : Professor of the Classics at St. Petersburg, 1843 : devoted himself to the study of Tibetan in the libraries of St. Petersburg : Librarian, 1848, and Member, 1852, of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, being specially charged with the study of Tibetan, particularly the investigation of Buddhist Legends of Indian and Occidental origin : wrote articles on the language and literature of Tibet in the Academy Memoirs : and prepared for a work on the Bonpo, or pre-Buddhistic, religion of Tibet : also studied the Caucasian languages : was Councillor of State : died at St. Petersburg, Nov. 16, 1879.