[[Author:|,]]was no evidence. He was a remarkable man, a gentleman in every sense of the word, of great ability, and ever loyal to the Nizam, though he was always an object of suspicion to his jealous master. He was G.C.S.I., and a D.C.L. of Oxford.
Son of Sir Salar Jung (q.v.), Prime Minister of Hyderabad : born 1862 : his birth name was Mir Laik Ali Khan : on his father's death, in 1883, he was appointed Secretary to the Council of Regency, and was made Prime Minister in 1884. The course of his administration not running smooth with the Nizam, he resigned his office in April, 1887, and in the same year visited England, where he was made K.C.I.E. : died July, 1889.
SALE, FLORENTIA, LADY (1790?–1853)
Daughter of George Wynch, of the Civil Service, grand-daughter of Alexander Wynch, Governor (1775–6) of Madras : married (Sir) Robert Henry Sale, 1809 : was with him in Kabul, 1840–1, and was in the disastrous retreat from Kabul, in Jan. 1842 : she and other women and children were carried off as captives by Akbar Khan as far as Bameean, until, in Sep. 1842, they bribed the Afghan officers in charge of them to release them, and were recovered by Sir Richmond Shakespear on Sep. 17, Lady Sale kept a diary throughout, published as her Journal of the Disasters in Afghanistan, 1843 : was given a pension of £500 a year : she remained in the hills in India, after Sale's death of his wound at Mudki in 1845 : died at the Cape, July 6, 1853.
Son of Colonel Sale : born Sep. 19, 1782 : educated at Ealing : entered the Army, 1795 : went to Madras, 1798 : was in the Mysore war of 1798–9, at Mallavilli and Seringapatam : against Tippoo and Dhoondia Waugh and Paichi Raja : against Travancore, 1809 : in the Mauritius expedition, 1810–3, and Bourbon, to 1815 : Major, 1813 : in the first Burmese war, 1824–6, at Kemendine and Kamarut took Bassein : at Prome and Maloun : C.B. : in the Afghan war, 1838, commanded advanced Brigade : to Kandahar, April, 1839 : at Girishk, Ghazni, Kabul : Maj-General, K.C.B. : wintered at Jalalabad : in the fighting in the Kohistan : defeated Dost Muhammad at Parwandarra, Nov. 2, 1840 : on the rising of the hill tribes in Oct. 1841, Sale forced the Khurd Kabul and reached Jalalabad, Nov. 12, 1841 : being unable to return to Kabul, as ordered by Elphinstone (q.v.), was besieged with his force, "the illustrious garrison," in Jalalabad by Afghans until April 7, 1842, when he defeated Akbar Khan : made G.C.B. : relieved by Pollock's Army of Retribution : accompanied him to Kabul, Sep. 1842 : met the recovered captives on Sep. 18, and returned to India : Q.M.G. in India, 1844 : was with the C. in C. at Mudki, and was mortally wounded there : died Dec. 21, 1845.
Born Nov. 6, 1839 : son of Captain Rowley John Hill: educated at King William's College, Isle of Man : entered the Bengal Army, 1876, and became Maj-General, 1885 : Lt-General, 1890, and General, 1896 : served in the Indian mutiny, 1857–8 : Bhutan campaign, 1865–6 : Hazara campaign, 1868 : Malay Peninsula expedition, 1875–6 : Afghan campaigns, 1878–80 : C.B. : in command of Akka expedition, N.E. frontier, 1883–4 commanded Rawal Pindi Brigade, 1882 Eastern Frontier District, 1882–6 : K.C.B 1902.
Born Feb. 3, 1830 : son of the second Marquis: educated at Eton and Christ Church, Oxford : Fellow of All Souls' College : M.P. for Stamford, 1853–68 : Marquis, 1868 : Secretary of State for India as Lord Cranborne, July 6, 1866, to March 9, 1867 : and again as Marquis of Salisbury, Feb. 22, 1874, to March 30, 1878 : Chancellor of the University of Oxford, 1869 : wrote for the Quarterly Review and other Periodicals : his career as Ambassador, etc., Foreign Secretary, and thrice Prime Minister, belongs to English and European politics and history : died Aug. 22, 1903 : K.G. : D.C.L. : LL.D.
SALKELD, PHILIP ( ? –1857)
Joined the Bengal Engineers, 1848, in Bengal : on the outbreak of the mutiny