madans, The Relations of Islam to Christianity, and Christianity to Civilization, Bombay 115 years ago, and other valuable works : translated Mirkhund's History of the World from Persian into English : wrote for the Anglo-vernacular journal Native Opinion : knew 12 languages : died Dec. 11, 1891 : the first European cremated in Bombay.
Born Aug. 21, 1846 : son of Rev. William Reid : educated at Aberdeen University : joined the Indian Army, 1867, and the Staff Corps, 1871 : served in the Afghan war, 1878–80 : dangerously wounded, Brevet-Major : Hazara expedition, 1888 : Brevet-Lt-Colonel : 1st and 2nd Miranzai expeditions, 1891 : Chitral expedition, 1895 : relief of Chitral : N.W. Frontier expedition, 1897–8 : commanded Malakand relief column, Uthman Khel column : C.B. : and Brigade in China expedition, 1900–1 : K.C.B., 1901.
REID, SIR CHARLES (1819–1901)
General : son of George Reid : entered the E. I. Co.'s service in 1835 : served in Upper Sind under Sir C. Napier, 1843 : in the Satlaj campaign was at Badiwal, Aliwal, Sobraon : in the Burma war, 1852–3 : in the mutiny commanded the Sirmur battalion of Gurkhas, at Badli-ka-sarai and siege of Delhi, commanding the advanced posts on right of the Ridge : repulsed 26 separate attacks : commanded the fourth column of the assault on Sep. 14, 1857 : severely wounded : Brevet-Lt-Colonel : in the Oudh campaign, 1858–9 : Colonel: A.D.C. to Queen Victoria : Maj-General, 1867 : General, 1877: K.C.B., 1871 : G.C.B., 1886 : died Aug. 23, 1901.
Was Chief of the French Settlement of Chandernagore, in Bengal, when it was besieged by land by Clive, and by river by Admiral Watson : the Nawab, Suraj-ud-daula, his ally, sent him 2,000 men : and the French, after assault and bombardment, had to capitulate on March 23, 1757 : Renault was taken to Calcutta and not released until after Plassy : he afterwards commanded at Karikal in S. India, and surrendered, April 5, 1760, to the British : court- martialled and cashiered.
Born 1829 : son of John Meadows Rendel : educated at King's School, Canterbury, and Trinity College, Cambridge : Consulting Enginneer to the India Office : K.C.I.E., 1887.
RENNELL, JAMES (1742–1830)
Son of John Rennell, Captain R.A. : born in 1742 : first entered the Naval service, and in 1760 served in India, but left the Navy, entered the E. I. Co.'s marine service, and was appointed Surveyor-General of Bengal in 1764. He surveyed Bengal, was made Major of the Bengal Engineers in 1776, retired in 1777 : his Bengal Atlas was published in 1779 : F.R.S. in 1781; corresponded largely with men of learning, and was visited by travellers. He published his Memoir and Map of Hindostan, 1783 : Observations on the Topography of 'the Plain of Troy : memoirs on the Geography of Africa, the Geographical System of Herodotus explained, The Marks of the British Army in the Peninsula of India. He was "the father of Indian geography": for years the chief of British geographers, and constantly consulted : was gold medallist of the Royal Society of Literature, 1825 : died March 29, 1830, and was buried in Westminster Abbey.
RENNIE, JAMES (1814–1903)
Joined the Indian Navy, 1829, and retired as Commander, 1858 : served in China, 1841–2 : Burma, 1852–8 : received a sword of honour from the E.I. Co.'s Directors : Persian Gulf, 1857 : Indian mutiny, 1857–8 : Super-intendent of Indian Marine, 1858–63 : C.B., 1858: died Nov. 30, 1903.
Born 1825 : son of Alexander Renny : educated at Montrose and Addiscombe : joined the Bengal Artillery in 1844 : was in the Satlaj campaign, at Sobraon : in the mutiny, commanded a troop of Horse Artillery and a battery : at the