the Emperor Shah Alam) of Delhi marched against the Nawab of Bengal : Ram
Narain gave him battle at Patna, and was defeated, but timely aid, in 1760, from the English, put the Imperial Army to flight. Later, in 1760, Mir Kasim became Nawab of Bengal, deprived Ram Narain of all power, and proceeded to call Ram Narain to account for the receipts of his Government. Vansittart, the Governor of Bengal, sided with Mir Kasim; the local officers, Coote and Carnac, with Ram Narain : the latter was seized, imprisoned, and plundered, by Mir Kasim. In July, 1763, the English took arms against Mir Kasim : as they advanced to Patna, Ram Narain was drowned in the Ganges in Aug. 1763, by the order of Mir Kasim.
Son of Nawab Muhammad Yusuf Ali Khan, whom he succeeded in 1865 : an able administrator : greatly developed his State : suffered constantly from ill-health : Member of Governor-General's Legislative Council : in 1872 he went on a pilgrimage, leaving Rampur in charge of his Minister, Usman Khan, who was assassinated at the Jami Masjid. In 1875 he received the G.C.S.I. from H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, at Agra. In 1877 his salute was raised to 15 guns, as a personal distinction : made a C.I.E. in 1878, for his services during the famine : died March 23, 1887 : 100 persons daily attend his tomb to recite passages from the Koran : he was a man of great culture a Persian and Arabic scholar of repute, an active patron of literature and learning, and actively promoted education in Rampur : unlike his predecessors, he was a strict Sunni.
Succeeded his father, Nawab Muhammad Saiyid Khan, as Nawab of Rampur, in 1855, inheriting his administrative capacity and excelling him as a statesman : a man of firmness, great mental vigour, and considerable literary attainments. His rule in Rampur, for little more than 10 years, was eventful. During the mutiny he rendered signal assistance to the British Government, although his people detested his policy : in addition to Rampur, he took charge of the Moradabad district after the British officers fled : rescued 32 Christian women and children, and conveyed them safely to Meerut : was active in forwarding supplies and money to Naini Tal : as an influential Muhammadan he stood alone, and successfully maintained his very difficult position in Rohilkund : was liberally rewarded with a large tract of land : at Fatehghar, in 1859, Lord Canning publicly acknowledged his services : his salute was raised to 13 guns : made K. C.S.I. , and Member of the Governor-General's Legislative Council : succeeded by his son, Kalb Ali Khan (q.v.).
RAMSAY, HON. SIR HENRY (1816–1893)
Born 181 6 : brother of the twelfth Earl of Dalhousie : educated at the Edinburgh Academy : went out to Bengal in the E. I. Co.'s military service, 1834 : was in the Panjab campaign, 1848–9 : was Commissioner of the districts of Kumaon and Garhwal from 1856 to 1884, 44 years there in all, and was called the "King of Kumaon" : he governed in the old paternal style, almost as an autocrat : trusted equally by his employers and the people, who called him "Ramjee Sahib" : his commanding influence kept Kumaon, and the dependent submontane tract, quiet and loyal during the mutiny. After retirement from office he remained there till 1892 : his patriarchal system was well adapted to the non-regulation districts, which flourished under his administration : he was earnestly pious : was asked to preside at a great Missionary Conference at Calcutta, 1884 : C.B. : K.C.S.L, 1875 : Lt-General, 1880 : died Dec. 16, 1893.
Son of a Mahratta Brahman employed in the Kolapur State : born Jan. 20, 1842 : educated at the Elphinstone College, where he distinguished himself : in 1866 entered the British service in the Education Department : in 1868 appointed Acting Professor of English in the Elphinstone College : remained there till 1871, when he was appointed Subordinate Judge of Poona : Judge of the S.C. Court there, 1884 : the rest of his life was spent in the Judicial Department. In 1886 he was a Member of the Indian Finance