the King, when Prince of Wales, whom he accompanied on his Indian tour, 1875–6 : C.B., 1858 : K.C.S.I., 1876 : K.C.B., 1887 : G.C.B., 1902 : G.C.V.O., 1896 : Keeper of the Privy Purse to H.M. the King since 1901 : P.C.
Born 1841 : son of Evan Protheroe, of Blackheath : entered Madras N.I., 1858 became Colonel, 1886 : Maj-General, 1897 served in Abyssinian expedition, 1867–8 in Afghan war, as A.D.C. to Sir Donald Stewart, 1878–80 : in the march from Kandahar to Kabul : Burma war, 1885–7 : Chin-Lushai expedition, 1889–90 : D.A.G. and Q.M.G., Madras Army : commanded Hyderabad Contingent, 1890–5 : A.D.C. to Queen Victoria, 1894–7 : Assistant Military Secretary for India at Headquarters, 1897–8 : commanded Burma District, 1899–1903 : Maj-General, 1897 : Unemployed Supernumerary List, 1903 : C.S.I., 1881 : C.B., 1887: died July 2, 1905.
PROUT, WALTER ROBERT (1821 or 2–1857)
Major : son of William Prout, M.D., F.R.S. : educated at Westminster and at the University and Military Academy, Edinburgh : obtained a cadetship in the 56th N.I, : Interpreter and Adjutant : distinguished himself at Maharajpur, 1843 : his principal services were in the Derajat with the Panjab Irregular Force, now the Panjab Frontier Force, of which he was selected to be the first Brigade Major by the Brigadier Commanding: Major, 1856 : a very promising officer : died of sunstroke while on outpost duty at Cawnpur, 1857.
Born 1845 : entered the R.E., 1866, and became Colonel, 1895 : joined Indian Establishment, 1870 : served in the Afghan war, 1878–80 : Superintending Engineer, 1892 : officiating Chief Engineer, N.W.P., and Oudh, 1894 : Rajputana and Central India, 1896 : Chief Engineer, P.W.D., India, 1899–1901 : retired: C.I.E., 1897.
Son of Christopher Puller : born 1774 : educated at Eton and Christ Church, Oxford : Fellow of Queen's College : called to the bar from the Inner Temple, 1800 : Bencher of Lincoln's Inn : Law Reporter : K.C. : Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Calcutta : knighted, 1823 : died at Calcutta, May 26, 1824, after a very brief tenure of his office.
PURNIA ( ? –1812)
A Brahman of the Madual sect : was a Treasury Officer in the employ of Hyder Ali in Mysore, and on Hyder's death kept the Army in order until Tippoo arrived from Malabar : was Diwan, or finance minister, to Tippoo for years : and on his death in 1799 was retained in the post under an English Resident, when the Hindu dynasty was restored by Kristna Raj Wadiar, a child of three, being made Maharaja. He was greatly trusted by the Residents, and during his administration of Mysore the country was greatly benefited by the improvements which he introduced, while he accumulated large sums in the Treasury : he received a jagir. Kristna Raj, at the age of 66, was permitted to assume the government in Dec. 1811 : Purnia, exasperated at the loss of power, but unable to resist, retired to Seringapatam on pension, and died March 29, 1812.
Born Aug. 12, 1849 : fourth in direct descent from Purnia (q.v.), the great Mysore statesman : educated at Bangalore : B.L. of the Madras University : Assistant Superintendent in Mysore, in 1870 : after the rendition of the State to the Maharaja in 1881, he remained in the State service, rising to be a Judge of the highest Court of the Province : Member of the Council of Regency, and Diwan, or Prime Minister, of Mysore in 1901 : C.I.E. in 1897, K.C.I.E. in 1903, in recognition of his eminent services : enlightened and liberal, he has introduced many improvements into the administration.
I.C.S. : son of Thomas Pycroft : born 1807 : educated at Bath, privately, and Trinity College, Oxford : Exhibitioner : gained at Oxford, by open competition, in 1829, the "writership" offered to the University by the President of the Board of Control : went out to Madras, 1829 :