beyond Jalalabad. Afghan affairs chiefly engaged Auckland's attention. In 1840 the British Resident at Ava was expelled by the King of Burma and not re-estabished. Auckland was again First Lord of the Admiralty in 1846: died Jan. 1, 1849.
Born Jan. 7, 1822, at Leschnitz in Silesia: educated at the College of Oppeln: studied Sanskrit and Philology at Berlin, and later the ancient languages of Northern Europe: Privat-docent at Berlin University, 1850: went to England, 1852, to study Sanskrit: Professor of Sanskrit and Philology at Edinburgh University, 1862: Professor of Philology at Bonn, 1875–89: now Professor of the Comparative Study of Languages at Bonn: Levi calls him the "illustrious veteran of Indian studies": he is especially noted for his catalogues of Sanskrit MSB.: among his works may be mentioned: De accentu compositorum Sanskriticorum, 1847: Halayudha's Abhi-dhanaratnamata, 1861: Die Hymnen des Rigweda, 1877: Bluten aus Hindostan, 1873: Das Aitareya Brahmana, 1879: his catalogues of Sanskrit MSS., at the Bodleian Library (1859–64), and at Cambridge (1869): Catalogus catalogorum, a register of Sanskrit works and authors, 1891–3: and Katalog der Sanskrit Hand-schriften der Universitdts-Bibliothek zu Leipzig, 1901.
Son of Rev. George Austen, and brother of Miss Austen: entered the Navy early: served against the Dutch and French, and on a number of stations: at the bom-bardment of Acre, 1840, for which he was made C.B.: Rear Admiral, 1846: Naval C. in C. of the E. India station, 1850: in the second Burmese war, died of cholera at Prome, Sep. 29, 1852.
Brother of Jane Austen, the novelist: born April 23, 1774: educated at the Royal Naval Academy: entered the Navy in 1788: was on the East India station, in the Perseverance, from 1788 to 1801, and again from 1807 to 1809 in the St.Albans, 64 guns: his services were rewarded by the E. I. Co: served also in the North Sea, Baltic and West Indies Admiral of the Fleet, 1863: K.C.B., 1837: G.C.B., 1860: died Aug. 10, 1865.
Educated at Merchant Taylors' school, and St. John's College, Oxford: Senior Fellow: edited the Madras Times and afterwards the Athenceum and Daily News of Madras: Correspondent of the London Times during the siege of Paris and the Commune, 1870: also in the Ashanti war, and at Simla, and in the S.States of America: a brilliant and very vivid writer: Dr.: died May 2, 1903.
General: a Neapolitan: born Oct. 25 1791: served in the Neapolitan forces, 1807–9: and in the Artillery under King Joseph Buonaparte and Murat in the Imperial Army: left Italy, and went, via Constantinople, to Persia, 1820: after 6 years there, joined Ranjit Singh in the Panjab: made Governor of Wazirabad, and of Peshawar in 1834: ruled by fear and severity and with success: gave great assistance to General Pollock and the Army of Retribution, 1842: left Peshawar, 1843, took refuge at Jalalabad and in India and returned to Europe: received a sword from the Court of Directors: a General in the French Army: died in a few years near Naples.
Born 1795: educated at Winchester and Christ Church, Oxford: Fellow of Oriel: called to the bar from the Middle Temple in 1822: after being Puisne Judge of the Bombay Supreme Court, from 1830, was Chief Justice, 1839–42: knighted 1830: D.C.L. of Oxford, 1844: one of the Commissioners of Oxford University: died June, 1878.
Born April 5, 1862: son of Captain F. J. Aylmer, 97th regt.: educated privately and at R.M.A., Woolwich: entered the Royal Engineers, 1880: served in India since 1883: in the Burma war, 1886–87: the Hazara expedition