Afghanistan, he remonstrated, and was allowed to advance at his own discretion, and with Nott to retire to India "by way of Kabul" : he defeated the Afghans at Mamu Kheyl, Jagdalak, Tezin : entered Kabul on Sep. 16, where Nott joined him directly : the British captives, officers, women and children, in the hands of Akbar Khan, came from Bamian into Pollock's camp on Sep. 22 : finally defeated the Afghans at Istalif on Sep. 29 : destroyed the Kabul bazar, leaving the city, Oct. 12, to return to India : Lord
Ellenborough received the victorious army at Firozpur on Dec. 19 : Pollock was made G.C.B. and given the command of a Division : acting Resident at Lucknow, 1843 : Military Member of the Supreme Council, from Sep. 20, 1844, to March 31, 1847, when he resigned : the E. I. Co. gave him a pension of £1,000 a year : Lt-General, 1851 : Government Director of the E. I. Co., 1854 : General, 1859 : K.C.S.I., 1861 : G.C.S.I., 1866 : Field Marshal, 1870 : Constable of the Tower of London, 1871 : Baronet "of the Khyber Pass" in 1872 : died Oct. 6, 1872 : buried in Westminster Abbey.
Entered the Indian Army, 1874, and became Lt-Colonel, 1900 : served in Jowaki-Afridi expedition, 1877–8 : Afghan war, 1878–9 : Mahsud-Waziri ex-pedition, 1881 : Tirah expedition, 1897–8 : China expedition, 1900 : Brevet-Colonel : C.B., 1903.
Born June 5, 1831 : son of John Pontifex : educated at Trinity College, Cam- bridge : Captain of the Cambridge University Cricket XI, 1853 : called to the bar at the Inner Temple, 1854 : Puisne Judge of the High Court, Calcutta, 1872–82 : Legal Adviser to Secretary of State for India. 1882–92 : K.C.I.E., 1892.
POPE, REV. DR. G. U. (1820–)
Born April 24, 1820 : son of John Pope : educated at Bury and Hoxton : worked in South Indian Missions : at Tinnevelly, 1839–49 : in England, 1849–51 : Tanjore, 1852–60 : Ootacamund, as Principal of Grammar School, 1860–70 : Bangalore, as Warden of Bishop Cotton Schools, 1870–80 : Manchester, 1880–3 : Diocesan Secretary S.P.G., Oxford, 1883 : University Lecturer in Tamil and Telugu, Oxford : author and editor of a large number of Tamil books, including The Poets of the Tamil Lands.
Born Oct. 12, 1762 : son of Stephen Popham : educated at Westminster and Cambridge : entered the Navy, 1778 : served at Cape St. Vincent, in the W. Indies, Kafraria : in 1787 sailed from Ostend, commanding a merchant ship, to India : surveyed New Harbour in the Hughli for a dockyard : from Calcutta sailed to Pulo Penang, and took the Company's fleet to China : his ship was seized at Ostend for trading contrary to the E. I. Co.'s charter : served in Flanders : conveyed troops from the Cape and India to Egypt : further employed in India : charges against him of wasteful expenditure were disproved : Naval Commander of an expedition to the Cape in 1806 : severely reprimanded by court martial for leaving the Cape : Captain of the Fleet at Copenhagen, 1807 : Rear Admiral, 1814 : K.C.B., 1815 : C. in C. on the Jamaica station, 1817–20 : F.R.S., 1799 : died Sep. 20, 1820.
POPHAM, WILLIAM (1740–1821)
Brother of Admiral Sir Home R. Popham (q.v.) : in the 84th regt. : under Draper at the capture of Manilla : joined the Bengal Army as Captain, 1768 : sent with a force, in 1779, to assist the Rana of Gohud against the Mahrattas : took from Sindia the fort of Gwalior by surprise and escalade, Aug. 3, 1780 : on the rebellion of Chait Singh, Popham took the hill fort of Bijaighar : Lt-Colonel, 1782 : Maj-General, 1795 : at the sieges of Seringapatam under Cornwallis, 1791–2, and General Harris, 1799 : Lt-General, 1802 : died Feb. 20, 1821.
First Catholic Archbishop of Bombay : of Scotch extraction : born Aug. 27, 1825: entered the Society of Jesus, Sep. 7, 1841 : nominated Archbishop of Bombay : the first to fill that post in the newly con-