his son, Raja Goordas, as assistant to Mani Begam, Superintendent of the
Nawab's Household : in March, 1775, brought before the Council some grave charges against Warren Hastings : in April, 1775, was prosecuted, along with Joseph Fowke, by Harwell, for conspiracy : while this case was pending, a charge of forgery of a bond in connexion with a civil case in progress against him was brought against him on May 6, 1775, before Justices Lemaistre and Hyde, sitting as committing magistrates. He was tried at the Sessions, June 8-16, before Sir E. Impey, C.J., and Justices Chambers, Lemaistre and Hyde : was convicted of the forgery, sentenced to death, and hanged on Aug. 5, 1775.
Born May 10, 1853 : son of Edward W. Nunn : educated at Wimbledon and Royal Vet. College, London : called to the bar at Lincoln's Inn : Veterinary Surgeon, R.A., 1877 : served in Afghan war, 1878–80 : Vet. Surgeon to Panjab Government, 1880–5 : on special duty in Natal and Cape Colony investigating horse-sickness, 1885–8 : served in ChinLushai expedition as P.V.O., 1889–90 : D.S.O. : Principal, Lahore Veterinary College, 1890–6 : C.I.E. : Deputy Director-General A.V.D., 1901 : author of Stable Management in India and other veterinary works.
Born June 8, 1823 : served in the Satlaj campaign, 1845–6 : in the mutiny engaged around Allahabad : in the Lushai campaign, 1871–2, under Bourchier : commanded in the Naga Hills expedition, 1875 : in the Naga campaign, 1879–80 : at the capture of Kohima : C.B., 1872 : K.C.B., 1894 : Bengal Staff Corps : Maj-General : died Oct. 12, 1897.
NUTTALL, THOMAS (1828–1890)
Son of George R. Nuttall, M.D. : born Oct. 7, 1828 : educated at Aberdeen : joined the Bombay N.I. in 1845 : in the Persian war, 1857 : engaged against Bhil rebels, 1857–61 : joined the Bombay Staff Corps, 1865 : D.S. of Police, 1860–5 : in the Abyssinian Texpedition, 1867–8 : Commandant of the Sind Frontier Force, 1877 : in the Afghan war, 1878–80, commanded a Brigade : at the occupation of Kandahar : commanded the Cavalry at Girishk on the Helmund, July 14, 1880 : at Maiwand, July 27 : at the defence of Kandahar and the battle on Sep. 1, 1880 : Maj-General, 1885 : Lt-General, 1887 : died Aug. 30, 1890.
I.C.S. : Governor : son of the Rev. William Oakeley : born Feb. 27, 1751 : went out to Madras in the E. I. Co.'s service, 1767 : was a Secretary in 1773 and 1777–80, also Judge Advocate-General and Translator : President in 1781–4 of the Committee of the Assigned Revenue of the Nabob of Arcot : President of the Board of Revenue, Madras, 1786–8 : made Baronet in 1790 : named Governor, but had to remain as Second in Council until Medows retired in Aug. 1792 : the charge of the civil government was very onerous in supplying the wants of Cornwallis' Army in the field : made possible by reforms and good administration : he converted the floating debt, and arranged for siege of Pondicherry, 1793 : retired, Sep. 7, 1794 : declined to be Governor-General of India : died Sep. 7, 1826.
Son of Lt-Col. Hildebrand Oakes : born July 11, 1756 : entered the Bombay Army, 1775 : served in Gujarat, at Poona, in Mysore, 1775–81 : made prisoner by Tippoo at Bednore, 1783–4 : served at Seringapatam, 1790, and in Malabar : Adjutant-General of the Army, 1796 : Military Auditor-General, 1807 : Maj- General, 1810 : Lt-General, 1814 : succeeded his brother as Baronet, 1822 : committed suicide, Nov. 1, 1827.
Born July 22, 1839 : son of James O'Callaghan : educated at Cork College and Queen's University, Ireland : joined the Indian P. W. Department, 1862, and rose through various grades to that of Chief Enigineer, 1st class : Consulting Engineer to Government of India for State Railways, 1889 : Secretary to Government of India, Public Works