lived principally at Barnagore in Murshidabad : died there in 1795 : her
extensive zamindari was spread over several districts : she was devoted to piety, and her name is still a household word in Bengal.
Son of Colonel Neill : born May 27, 1810 : educated at Ayr, and Glasgow University : joined the E. I. Co.'s Madras first European regt. in 1827 : D.A.A.G. in 1841 : wrote the Historical Record of his regt, : in the Burmese war in 1852 : in the Crimean war, appointed second in command of the Turkish contingent, which he organized and reformed : in the mutiny of 1857, sent off with his regt. to Upper India : at the mutiny at Benares, June 4, defeated the rebels : Brig-General : reinforced Allahabad and the fort : A.D.C. to Queen Victoria : superseded by Havelock in the advance to Cawnpur, but appointed his second in command : when commanding at Cawnpur, he punished, with great severity the mutineers caught : had to keep open communications with Havelock on the latter' s advance to Lucknow : Neill showed for a time a want of loyal subordination to Havelock : went with him as Brig-General to the relief of Lucknow in Sep. 1857 : was shot dead in the street fighting on the day of the attack, Sep. 25 : on his monument at Ayr, the inscription runs : "A brave, resolute, self-reliant soldier, universally acknowledged as the first who stemmed the torrent of rebellion in Bengal. He fell gloriously at the relief of Lucknow." He would have been K.C.B. had he lived.
Born 1816 : educated at Sandhurst : joined the 40th regt., 1835 : commissariat officer in sole charge of the Bombay force with Nott to Kandahar and in Afghanistan 1841–2 : at Ghazni and Kabul, and the engagements in the Khyber on the return to India : with Sir C. Napier in Sind : at Hyderabad, March 24, 1843 : at Maharajpur, Dec. 29, 1843, as A.D.C. to Sir Thomas Valiant : served no more in India : Brig-General at the suppression of the insurrection in Jamaica, 1865 : Lieutenant-Governor of Guernsey, 1870–83 : C.B., 1875 : Lt-General, 1883 : K.C.B. , 1891 : died Sep. 28, 1893.
Admiral : born Sep. 29, 1758 : Mid-shipman in his 12th year : after sailing to the W. Indies and on an expedition to the N. Pole, he went to the E. Indies in 1773 in the Seahorse frigate, under Captain George Farmer. He was there for 2 years, visiting "every port in India from Bengal to Bussora," when his health broke down, and the Commodore, Sir Edward Hughes, ordered him to England in the Dolphin. There is evidence that he was transferred from the Seahorse to the Dolphin at Bombay on March 15, 1776. His service on the E. I. station was uneventful, but he appears to have felt the effects of the climate, probably from that of the Persian Gulf, about "Bussora and Muscat. It is not recorded that he was in India again. After the battle of the Nile he wrote Aug. 9, 1798, to the Governor of Bombay, to tell him of the destruction of the French Fleet, and the consequent preservation of India from any attempt against it by the French. The extraordinary expenses which would have been incurred for the defence of Bombay—which Nelson knew would have been their first object—were thus prevented. His autograph letter of July 3, 1799, is extant, thanking the E. I. Co. for their present of £10,000 on the occasion of his victory at Aboukir Bay. Nelson was killed at Trafalgar on Oct. 21, 1805.
Governor : born 1751 : son of Nicholas Nepean : entered the Navy as a clerk : Secretary to Lord Shuldham, 1782 : Under Secretary of State in the Shelburne Ministry : in 1794, Under Secretary for War : Secretary of the Admiralty, 1795–1804 : Baronet, 1802 : Chief Secretary for Ireland, 1804 : Governor of Bombay, 1812–9 : died Oct. 2, 1822.
NEWAL KISHOR (1836–1895)
Known as Munshi : born at Bastoi : son of Munshi Jamna Parshad, a Bhargava land owner in the Alighar district : educated at Agra College : became the most eminent of the vernacular publishers in India : was first editor and manager of the Koh-i-Nur,