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regt., 1794 : educated at Celbridge : A.D.C. to Sir James Duff, 1799 : and to General H. E. Fox, 1803, both in Ireland : commanded the 50th under Moore in Spain, 1808 : taken prisoner at Corunna in the Peninsula : engaged against the United States, 1813 : against Napoleon. 1815 : C.B. : studied at the Military College Farnham, 1815–7 : resident of Cephalonia, 1822–30 : friend of Byron : declined to be Commander of the Greeks : Maj-General,

1837 : K.C.B., 1838 : commanded the N. district, 1839 : kept Chartism under : to India in 1841 : advised Ellenborough on the military policy, 1842 : took command in Sind in 1842 : offered the Amirs a fresh treaty : occupied their fortress of Imamghar in Dec. 1842 : fought and won the battle of Miani on Feb. 17, 1843, with 2,200 men against 22,000 : and beat Shir Muhammad, the Lion of Mirpur, at Dubba, near Hyderabad, March 24, 1843, finally at Shahdulpur, on June 14, routing him to the hills : controversy arose between Napier and (Sir James) Outram (q.v.) about the necessity for the conquest of Sind and the question of the treatment of the Amirs : Napier organized the new government of the province, and received the submission of the Chiefs in 1844 : G.C.B., 1843 : defeated the hill tribes on the N. frontier of Sind, 1844–5 : assembled an Army at Rohri, 1846, but was not engaged in the Satlaj campaign of 1845–6: Lt-General, 1846 : resigned the government of Sind, 1847 : named by Wellington for the military command in India after Chilianwala : the Court of Directors objected, but yielded to the public demand for Napier : he arrived in India after the conclusion of the Pan jab campaign, 1849 : C. in C. in India, May 7, 1849, to Dec. 6, 1850 : suppressed a mutiny in a native regiment : he suspended, on his own responsibility, a Government Regulation on the subject of compensation allowance to the Native Army : the Governor-General, Lord Dalhousie, expressing his disapprobation, Napier resigned and went home : died Aug. 29, 1853 : on his statue in St. Paul's Cathedral are the words "A prescient general, a beneficent governor, a just man" : another statue is in Trafalgar Square, London : wrote on the Defects, Civil and Military, of the Indian Government, and various papers on military subjects, the colonies and miscellaneous literature : his despatches and civil work attracted as high praise as'his military achievements : he had heroic qualities, and was both loved and detested.


Governor : born 1819 : son of eighth Baron : succeeded as Peer in 1834 : educated privately, at Saxe Meiningen, and Trinity College, Cambridge : entered the diplomatic service, 1840 : served as Attache and Secretary at several places : Ambassador at St. Petersburg, 1860–4; Berlin, 1864–6 : Governor of Madras, March, 1866, to Feb. 1872 : specially concerned himself with questions affecting the public health, and public works, including irrigation, and such schemes as the Periyar project : on Lord Mayo's assassination, he, as the Senior Governor in India, officiated as Viceroy and Governor-General from Feb. 23 to May 3, 1872 : created Baron Ettrick, 1872 : worked for some years, presiding and speaking at meetings and congresses, and on the London School Board : presided over the Royal Commission on the Scottish Crofters, 1883 : LL.D. of Edinburgh, Glasgow, Harvard : died Dec. 19, 1898.


Field Marshal: son of Major Charles Frederick Napier, R.A. : born in Ceylon, Dec. 6, 1810 : educated at Addiscombe : joined the Bengal Engineers at Calcutta, 1828 : employed on the E. Jumna Canal irrigation works, 1831 : in Europe studied engineering and railway works 1836–9 : laid out the settlement of Darjeeling and made the road thither, 1839–42 : laid out the cantonment at Umbala, 1842 : in the Satlaj campaign of 1845–6 : at Mudki and Firozshahr : severely wounded : at Sobraon : Major : took the hill fort of Kangra, 1846 : Engineer to the Resident at Lahore : directed the siege of Multan in the Panjab campaign, 1848 : at its capture : at Surajkund, Cheniote, the pursuit of the Sikhs and Afghans : Brevet-Lt-Colonel : Civil Engineer to the Panjab Board of Administration, 1849 : executed great public works, roads, canals, and buildings, bridges, frontier defences : served in frontier expeditions, 1852–3 :

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