good' knowledge of English, and took to literature : in 1855 became sole editor of the Hindu Patriot : in 1857 he upheld Lord Canning's "clemency" policy in a series of articles, which attracted the Viceroy's notice : he espoused, in 1860, the cause of the raiyats against the indigo planters, and so incensed the latter that they instituted civil and criminal proceedings against him, and after his death sold up his property : he was the first native journalist of any note in India : the British Indian Association built a library in his memory : died June 14, 1861.
Born in 1808 : his father was "banian" to H.M-'s 14th regt. : he was educated in the regimental school, and, as a clerk, accompanied the regiment to the siege of Bhartpur, 1825–6, and shared in the prize-money : became (1830) record keeper in the Hughli collectorate : acquired large landed estates : established a College at his native town, Uttapara, and a Public Library : helped to found the British Indian Association. He was convicted and sentenced for forgery on March 31, 1862 : the Privy Council on his appeal were unable to interfere, but expressed such a strong opinion of his innocence that he was at once released by order of Government. At the age of 70 he lost his eyesight, but retained his interest in public affairs and his position as a leading zamindar in Bengal. He was father of Raja Piari Mohan Mukerji, C.S.I, (q.v.). He died in July, 1888.
Educated at the Free Church Institution, Chinsura : taught in his village in the 24 Parganas, and at Jonai, Hughli : appointed Principal of the College at Jaipur, Rajputana : attended the Maharaja's darbar and appointed Member of his Council : became the foremost man in Jaipur, and Prime Minister to successive Maharajas : received a jagir and became a noble of the State : organized the Jaipur Transport Corps for Imperial Service : helped the Maharaja to initiate the Famine. Trust Fund : the Jaipur State greatly prospered under his management : made Rao Bahadur and C.I.E. for his services : member of the Famine Commission, 1899 : died at Nagpur, 1901.
Son of Joy Kishen Mukerji (q.v.) : born Sep. 17, 1840 : took his degree of M.A. at the Calcutta University, 1864, and B.L., 1865 : Member of the Bengal Legislative Council, 1879, and of the Governor-General's Legislative Council in 1884 and 1886, and took a prominent part, showing great ability, in the discussions on the Bengal Tenancy Bill. He was Honorary Secretary of the British Indian Association and President subsequently. He was made C.S.I, and Raja on Feb. 16, 1877, in recognition of his own, and his father's, distinguished public services.
Born May 8, 1839 : son of Mathur Mohan Mukerji : educated at the Oriental Seminary and the Hindu Metropolitan College : became sub-editor of the Hindu Patriot in 1858, and during the ill-health of its editor, Harish Chandra Mukerji, who died, 1861, was virtually the editor, and for a time was sole editor : M.D. of an American University : in 1862 was appointed editor of the Samachar Hindustani and Assistant Secretary to the Talukdars Association at Lucknow : in 1864, Diwan to the Nawab Nizam at Murshidabad : in 1868 became Secretary to Maharaj Seoraj Singh of Kashipur : in 1869 was at Rampur a short time as the Nawab's Secretary : from 1872 he conducted Mukerji's Magazine up to 1876 : in 1877, was Minister to the Maharaja of Tippera : in 1882 founded the Calcutta journal, Reis and Rayyet : wrote well and clearly and carried weight in public discussions : in 1888 became well known to Lord Dufferin, then Viceroy : in 1890 was made a Fellow of the Calcutta University, in recognition of his journalistic work : died Feb. 7, 1894. In 1857 he wrote On the Causes of the Mutiny : in 1860, Mr. Wilson, Lord Canning and the Income Tax : in 1869, The Career of an Indian Princess; in 1872, The Prince in India and to India; in 1875, The Empire is Peace and the Baroda Coup d'Etat; in 1887 a book of Travels in Bengal.