Allahabad, 1839 : transferred to the Panjab : Commissioner of Lahore, 1849 : succeeded Mr. C. G. Mansel (q.v.) as Member of the Panjab Board of Administration, 1851 : Judicial Commissioner, 1853 : disarmed several native regiments at Lahore and Mian Mir on May 13, 1857, on his own responsibility, and sent warning to Multan, Firozpur and Kangra : appointed Chief Commissioner of Oudh, April, 1858 : Lieutenant-Governor of the Panjab, Feb.
1859, to Jan. 1865 : K.C.B., 1859 : G.C.S.I., 1866 : Member of the Council of India, 1868, till his death on Dec. 28, 1887 : the Montgomery Hall at Lahore erected as a memorial to him.
MONTRIOU ( ? –1867)
Captain, of the Indian Navy : served in the first Burmese war : in charge of the E. I. Co.'s maritime surveys in Bengal : commanded the Hastings at Bombay from 1839 : in charge of the Observatory, 1847–51 : senior naval officer at Aden : distinguished himself in boat attacks on the Arabs : commanded other vessels at Bombay : Master Attendant and Captain of the Port, 1855 : died of cholera at Colaba, Bombay, after 32 years' service, April 29, 1857.
Born 1865 : educated at the Presidency College, Calcutta : graduated M.A. in Mathematics, 1855 : Premchand Roychand Scholar, 1886 : practised on the Appellate Side of the Calcutta High Court, from August, 1888 : Fellow of the Calcutta University, 1889 : D.L. in 1894 : elected representative of the Calcutta University to the Bengal Legislative Council, 1899 and 1901 : of the Calcutta Corporation, 1903 : elected, in 1903, representative to the Governor-General's Legislative Council of the non-official members of the Bengal Legislative Council : Tagore Law-Lecturer on Perpetuities in British India, 1898 : Acting Judge of the Calcutta High Court, 1904 : wrote, in 1892, a work on Conic Sections : F.R.A.S. and F.R.S.E.
MOOR, EDWARD (1771–1848)
Major : born 1771 : went out to India in 1782 : reached Madras, 1783 : served with the Mahratta Army against Tippoo, 1790–1, at Dharwar, Doridrug, Gadjnur : wrote, 1794, an account of the operations : officiated as Q.M.G : garrison storekeeper, i.e. Commissary-General, at Bombay, 1799–1805 : retired in 1805 : compiled the military orders and regulations : Member of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1796 : F.R.S., 1806 : F.S.A,, 1818 : original member of the Royal Asiatic Society, which he helped to found : member of other learned societies : published his Hindu Pantheon, 1810 : wrote Hindu Infanticide, 1811; Oriental Fragments, 1834 : and on India in a Cyclopaedia : died Feb. 26, 1848.
Born about 1765 : educated at Liver-pool as a surgeon : studied veterinary science in France : made a fortune by his veterinary practice in London, but lost it over patents : appointed, in 1808, veterinary surgeon to the Bengal Army and Inspector of military studs : in 1811–2 crossed the Himalaya and traced the sources of the Satlaj and Indus : in 1819 went to Lahore, Ladak, residing at Leh, to Kashmir, via Attock and Peshawar to Kabul, to Bokhara, disposing of his merchandise : commenced his return journey, Aug. 1825 : soon after died at Andkhui, and was buried at Balkh : wrote on veterinary subjects and on the countries which he visited : his Travels in the Himalayan Provinces of Hindustan and the Panjab, etc., edited by H. H. Wilson, 1841.
Entered the Bombay Army, 1850, and became Lt-General, 1892 : was in the Persian war 1857 : Indian mutiny, 1858 : Abyssinian war, 1867–8 : Lushai expedition, 1871–2 : was Persian Interpreter to the C. in C. in India, Lord Napier of Magdala : in the Afghan war, 1878–9 : Egypt, 1882 : C.I.E., 1878 : C.B., 1879 : K.C.B., 1897.
Son of Edward Moore : entered the Bombay Medical Service, 1852 : served in the Persian war, 1856–7 : Residency Surgeon at various places in Rajputana from 1862 : Deputy-Surgeon-General, Bombay, 1877 : Surgeon-General, 1885 : retired, 1888 : K.C.I.E., 1888 : Hony. Physician to Queen Victoria : died Sep. 9, 1896.