ANDERSON, REV. JOHN (1805–1855)
Missionary: born in 1805, son of a Scotch farmer : educated at Edinburgh University : ordained in 1836 a minister of the Church of Scotland, and was sent as missionary to Madras : founded the Madras Christian College, which, after 1843, was continued in connexion with the Scotch Free Church : the education there afforded was greatly appreciated, and with Mrs. Anderson's help the education of native girls of all castes and creeds was successfully undertaken : he died at Madras in 1855. ANDERSON, JOHN (1833–1900)
Son of Thomas Anderson : born Oct. 4, 1833, at Edinburgh : M.D. at Edinburgh University, 1862, obtaining the gold medal for zoology : President of the Royal Physical Society, Edinburgh, which he helped to found : Professor of Natural History in the Free Church College, Edinburgh : in 1865 appointed Curator, and, later, Superintendent of the Indian Museum, Calcutta, an office which he held till he retired in 1886. He was a member, as naturalist, of scientific expeditions to Upper Burma and Yunnan in 1867 : in the same direction, as far as the Burmese frontier, in 1875–6 : and to the Mergui Archipelago in 1881–2 : wrote full accounts of his travels, adding largely to the science of marine and general zoology, and anatomy : also on the reptiles and fauna of Egypt : and contributed to the proceedings of learned societies : F.R.S. in 1879 : LL.D. of Edinburgh, 1885 : Fellow of the Linnaean Society and of the Society of Antiquaries, and Vice-President of the Zoological Society of London : died Aug. 15, 1900. ANDERSON, THOMAS (1832–1870)
Botanist : born Feb. 26, 1832, and took his M.D. degree at Edinburgh University in 1853 : joined the Medical Service, Bengal, in 1854, at Calcutta : was at Delhi during the mutiny : was, in 1860. Superintendent of the Botanic Garden at Sibpur, opposite Calcutta, introduced many improvements, and laboured specially for the cultivation of cinchona in India, which afterwards was effected : in 1864 he organised the Forest Department in Bengal : died Oct. 26, 1870, at Edinburgh : published an account of the flora of Aden, and worked at the flora of India generally. ANDREW, JAMES (1774?–1833)
A Scotchman, educated at Aberdeen : had a school at Addiscombe, which the E. I. Co. took over for the education of their engineer and artillery officers : on its purchase in 1809 he was appointed Headmaster and Professor of Mathematics : retired about 1823 and died June 13, 1833. ANDREW, SIR WILLIAM PATRICK (1807–1887)
Born 1807 : son of Patrick Andrew : educated at Edinburgh and Oxford : was for a short time in India in his younger days : published a work on Indian Railways, 1846 : devoted much attention to the promotion of railway and telegraphic communication between England and India : specially advocating the scheme for an Euphrates Valley Railway : submitted to the Home Government his schemes for the defence of India : published, during 40 years, a number of works, letters and papers, and delivered lectures on the subject of Indian railways, the Euphrates Valley route, and the importance of the Indus and its provinces : was founder and Chairman of the Sind, Panjab and Delhi Railway : in 1856 he arranged with Government for the establishment of telegraphic communication with India : lectured and wrote on the Central Asian question, 1872–86 : wrote to the Times on the Advance of Russia : wrote India and her Neighbours, 1878 : advocated the construction of railway lines to the Bolan and the Khyber : advocated the 5 '6" gauge for Indian railways : Chairman in 1879 of a meeting to promote the construction of a railway from the Persian Gulf to Constantinople and the Mediterranean : was called " an apostle of railways," "the railway statesman," "the pioneer of railway enterprise" : continued to urge the advantage of the Euphrates Valley line as alternative to that of the Red Sea : knighted, 1882 : C.I.E. : Fellow of many scientific societies : died March 11, 1887. ANQUETIL, THOMAS JOHN (1781–1842)
Native of Jersey : entered the Army, 1803 : served in the Mahratta campaign,