I.C.S. : son of JEneas Ranald McDonell, of the Madras Civil Service : born Dec. 17, 1829 : educated at Cheltenham and Haileybury : went out to Lower Bengal in 1850, and served chiefly in the Judicial line, as Judge of Krishnagar, and Patna : Judge of the High Court from 1874 to 1886, when he retired. He was a keen sportsman, and for years a Steward of the Calcutta Turf Club. A memorial was erected in his honour, near the High Court. In the mutiny, he accompanied, as a volunteer, the expedition sent by General Lloyd under Captain Dunbar to the relief of the Arrah garrison : the party fell into an ambush and had to re-treat : the survivors reached a stream which had to be crossed in boats, but these were fastened to the bank, and the party was subjected to a heavy fire from the rebels. McDonell, at the imminent risk of his life, exposed himself to free one of the boats full of men, and, amidst a perfect storm of bullets, managed to unfasten it, and it quickly drifted down the stream and out of range. For this gallant act he received the Victoria Cross. He subsequently was engaged in the operations against Kooer Singh in Bihar. He died at Cheltenham on July 31, 1894.
McGRIGOR, JAMES (1819–1863)
Son of Lt-Colonel Charles McGrigor : born 1819 : educated at Addiscombe :
joined the 21st Bombay N.I. in 1835 : served under Sir C. Napier in the Sind campaigns : in the mutiny commanded his regt. at Karachi : he was warned just in time of their intention to mutiny and massacre Europeans on Sep. 16, and with the greatest promptitude disarmed them : Lt-Colonel, 1862 : drowned accidentally at Aden, June 28, 1863.
Born March 3, 1838 : son of J. P. Mclnroy : educated at Wimbledon : entered the Army, 1855, and became Colonel, 1885 : served in the Indian mutiny, 1857–9 : at the surrender of Kirwi, and in Central India : Abyssinian campaign, 1868 : Egyptian war, 1882, Kassassin and Tel-el- Kebir : Burma expedition, 1885–6 : Unemployed Supernumerary List since 1895 : C.B., 1894.
Lieutenant-Governor : son of Lt-General Duncan McLeod : born May 6, 1810, at Fort William, Calcutta : educated at Edinburgh High School, Dulwich, Putney, and Haileybury : arrived in Bengal in 1828, commencing his career in, that province : in the Sagar and Nerbudda territories and Benares, 1831–49 : Commissioner of Jalandhar, 1849 : Judicial Commissioner of the Panjab, 1854 : was at Lahore during the mutiny of 1857 : C.B. : Lieutenant-Governor of the Panjab, 1865–70 : K.C.S.I. in 1866 : Chairman of the Sind, Panjab and Delhi Railway : he had pronounced religious opinions, and was a philanthropist : established the Panjab University, and had warm sympathy with the people : he advocated a greater encouragement of Oriental studies, and the promotion of the acquisition of Western knowledge through the vernacular. Sir John Lawrence called him "cunctator" : he died from the effects of an accident on the London Underground Railway, Nov. 28, 1872.
Born Feb. 22, 1845 : son of Lt-General W. C. McLeod : educated at Kensington School : joined the Madras Army, 1861 : served on the Army Staff, India, 1877–88 : D.Q.M.G. on service in Burma 1886–7 : D.S.O. : Commanding 3rd Madras Lancers, 1890–3 : C.B., 1898 : Lt-General commanding troops in Burma.
Born Jan. 23, 1831 : son of Lt-Colonel Alexander McLeod : educated at St. Andrew's and Perth Academy : served for 32 years in 42nd Royal Highlanders : in Crimea, 1854–5 : Indian mutiny, 1857–8 : Cawnpur, siege and capture of Lucknow, Aliganj, etc. : Brevet-Lt-Colonel and C.B. : Ashanti war, 1873–4 - K.C.B., 1874 : Lt-General : retired : G.C.B., 1891.
Major : born Nov. 28, 1862 : son of Lt-General C. A. McMahon : educated at