there, and at St. John's College, Cambridge : was Senior Wrangler in 1801 and first Smith's Prizeman : Fellow of St. John's College, 1802 : ordained in 1803 and became a curate to the Rev. C. Simeon, at Cambridge : in 1805 he went out to India on the Bengal Establishment as a Military Chaplain,and worked at Serampur, Dinapur, and Cawnpur. In 1811 he obtained leave to visit Persia. Leaving Shiraz in 1812 on his way via Tabriz to England, he
died of fever at Tokat, in Asia Minor, Oct. 16, 1812. He had great zeal as a Missionary and laboured greatly, in spite of illhealth. He translated the New Testament into Persian and Hindustani. Macaulay wrote an epitaph on him.
Born at Surat, 1787 : grandson of Dastur Kawoos (1717–79), a founder of the Kadmi sect of the Parsis : went to Bombay, 1805 : settled under Mulla Firoz (q.v.) as librarian, and became proficient in Oriental languages : was a book-binder, 1808, and opened a printing-press, 1812, publishing, 1815, an edition of the Avesta, in 1815 a translation of the Dabisfan, in 1818 of the Avesta into Gujarati; pubUshed also translations of the Shahnameh, 1833 ; the Gulistan, 1838; the Bostan (published posthumously, 1849) : and composed original poetry : with Mulla Firoz's help he brought out, on July 1, 1822, the first number of the Bombay Samachar, which still exists, and conducted it till Aug. 1832, when he failed in business, losing a ship, and in his journalistic enterprize : he had to leave Bombay and go to the Portuguese settlement at Damaun, 1832 : he published a Persian dictionary, 1832 : knew the principles of Oriental medicine, which he practised at Damaun : a social refomer among the Parsis : died at Damaun, March 23, 1847.
MASON, REV. FRANCIS, D.D. (1799–1874)
Born at York, 1799 : where his grand-father had founded a Baptist Society : in 1818 joined an uncle in the United States and went thence as a Missionary to India, to Burma : for years laboured among the Karens : translated the Bible into Karen : author of a Pali grammar, and a Karen grammar of both dialects : The Story of a Working Man's Life, Burma, 1860; Fauna, Flora and Minerals of Burma : Profesor of Pali in the Government High School, Rangoon : died after a journey to Bhamo in 1874.
Born 1825 : son of Captain Thomas Monck Mason, R.N. : joined the 74th Bengal N.I., 1842 : Assistant A.G.G. in Rajputana, 1847 : Political Agent at Karauli : Resident at Jodhpur, 1857 : when the Jodhpur troops mutinied he arranged for the safety of the Europeans, and, on his way to join Sir George Lawrence (q.v.), was shot dead by mutineers, Sep. 18, 1857.
Born March, 1798 : son of Alexander Way Mason : educated at Hackney and Warminster : appointed in the Secretary's office at the East India House, 1817 : employed in confidential work, 1817–37 : Secretary in the Marine branch : made a number of improvements : in the mutiny, arranged for transport of 50,000 troops : Secretary at the India Office in the Marine and Transport Department, 1859 : represented the Government of India in the Committee on the Transport Service, which led, in 1867, to the construction of troopships : died Dec. 12, 1881.
Entered the Bengal Army, 1874, and became Lt-Colonel, 1900 : served against Jowaki-Afridis, 1877–8 : in the Afghan war, 1878–80 : Burma war, 1886–8 : second Miranzai expedition, 1891 : Tirah campaign, 1897–8 : C.B., 1903 : Commandant, 19th Bengal Lancers.
Son of William Massey : born 1809 : called to the bar from the Inner Temple, 1844 : Recorder of Portsmouth and Ply-mouth : M.P. for Newport and Salfordr 1855–65 : Under Secretary in the Home Department : Chairman of Committees in the House of Commons : succeeded Sir C. E. Trevelyan (q.v.), as Financial Member of the Supreme Council, April 10, 1865, to April 25, 1868 : Privy Councillor : M.P. for Tiverton, 1872–81 : wrote a History of part of George Ill's reign, and Common Sense versus Common Law : died Oct. 25, 1881.