MARSHMAN, HANNAH (1767–1847)
Daughter of J. Shepherd : born 1767 : married, in 1791, to the Rev. Joshua Marshman (q.v.), and accompanied him to India, reaching Serampur, Oct. 1799 : she superintended the "Mission Family at Serampur," of Carey, Ward, and Marshman : herself established in 1800 a "Ladies' School," chiefly for Eurasian girls, many of whom took to missionary work and education. She opened a Native school in 1807. By 1819–24, her Serampur Native Female Education Society managed, in its vicinity, 14 girls' schools, 260 pupils : with a total of 27 schools, 554 pupils. Of her twelve children, six survived. She was the "first woman missionary to women" : died at Serampur, March 1, 1847.
Born Aug. 18, 1794 : son of Dr. Joshua Marshman (q.v.) : went out with his father in Oct. 1799 to Serampur in Bengal, where he received his education at the mission establishment of Carey (q.v.), Marshman (q.v.), and Ward (q.v.) : formally joined the brotherhood in 18 19 and became an active director of its affairs, working, as a layman, for 20 years "as a sort of secular and unpaid bishop" : he set up the first paper-mill in India : issued the first monthly Bengali magazine, the Dig-Darsan, in April, 1818 : and, in the next month, issued the first weekly, the Samachar Darpan : the Friend of India was issued by him and his father, as a monthly, and later a quarterly Magazine, becoming a weekly paper from Jan. 1, 1835 : he was also for years the ofiicial Bengali Translator to Government. He also published Guide to the Civil Law of the Presidency of Fort William, 1845–6, a "Darogah" Manual, 1850, and other law books : wrote constantly in the Calcutta Review : and other historical works. He was one of the founders of the Serampur College, at a cost of £30,000. He left India in 1852 : and was examined by Parliament before the renewal of the Charter in 1853, and influenced the Education despatch of 1854 : he also advocated the promotion of forestry, telegraphs and railways in India : and had an influential position in the E. I. Railway Company in London. He wrote The Life and Times of Carey, Marshman and Ward, 1859; Memoirs of Maj-General Sir Henry Havelock, K.C.B., 1860 (his brother-in-law) : his History of India, 1863, 1867. He failed to obtain a seat in the new Council of India : was made C.S.I, in 1868 : died July 8, 1877.
MARSHMAN, REV. JOSHUA, D.D. (1768–1837)
Son of John Marshman, a weaver : born April 20, 1768 : educated at the village school of Westbury Leigh : apprenticed to a bookseller and read imceasingly : was master of a Baptist school, 1794–9, when, with his son and others, he went out to Serampur in Bengal, as a Missionary of the Baptist Missionary Society, not being allowed to remain in British territory : the Serampur Church was opened in 1805 : he and his wife opened a boarding school : he studied Chinese : established the Loll Bazar Chapel and the Benevolent Institution at Calcutta, and devoted much time to native schools. The Mission translated the Scriptures into many Oriental languages. Marshman was made D.D. of Brown University, U.S., in 1811 : he and his son issued the Friend of India as a monthly and, later, a quarterly Magazine : in 181 8 they issued the first Bengali weekly newspaper, the Samachar Darpan, and built the Serampujr College at a cost of £30,000 : in 1826–9 he visited England and Denmark to urge on the cause of missions. In 1827 he became involved in controversy with the Baptist Missionary Society, and their connexion was severed. Besides Chinese, he worked at Sanskrit and the local vernaculars : he died at Serampur on Dec. 5, 1837.
Born March 30, 1853 : son of Colonel D. W. Martin : educated at Harrow : entered the Army, 1874, and became Colonel in 1899 : served against the Jowaki-Afridis, 1877: in the Afghan war, 1878–80 : Hazara expedition, 1888: in the Miranzai expedition in command of 5th Gurkhas : Brevet-Major :in Waziristan, 1894–5 : Tirah, 1897–8 : Assistant Military Secretary for Indian Affairs at the Horse Guards : D.A.G., Bengal, with rank of Brig-General : C.B., 1902.
MARTIN, CLAUDE (1736–1800)
General : a French soldier of fortune : born Jan. 5, 1735 : son of a silk manu-