and education : was connected, as pupil and one of the Governing Body, with
Girton College from its foundation : and was on the Council of various Societies for promoting education and the progress of women : she received the Kaisar-i-Hind medal in June, 1904 : her stepmother, Mrs. Manning, who died April 1, 1871, wrote Life in Ancient India, and Ancient and Mediceval India : died Aug. 10, 1905. MANNING, THOMAS (1772–1840)
Born Nov. 8, 1772 : son of the Rev. William Manning : educated at Caius College, Cambridge : Scholar, 1790–95 : private tutor : studied mathematics : friend of Person and Charles Lamb : studied Chinese at Paris, 1800–3 : attended the Westminster Hospital : went out to Canton as a doctor in 1807–10 : was unable to enter China : went to Calcutta, 1810 : went in 1811 to Lhasa in Tibet, with only a single Chinese servant, via Rangpur, Bhutan, Parijong : stayed there for some months : had interviews with the Dalai Lama : under orders from Pekin, left Lhasa in April, 1812 : the first Englishman to enter Lhasa : returned to Canton : in 1816 accompanied Lord Amherst's embassy to Pekin as interpreter : returned to England a disappointed man, 1817 : led an eccentric life : regarded as the first Chinese scholar in Europe : died at Bath, May 2, 1840 : the notes of his journey to Lhasa were published in Sir C. R. Markham's Narratives of Bogle's Mission to Tibet and Manning's Journey to Lhasa, 1876. MANSEL, CHARLES GRENVILLE (1806–1886)
I.C.S. : born 1806 : joined the E. I. Co.'s Civil Service in 1826: served in the N.W. P. : in several appointments at Agra, up to Magistrate-Collector, 1835, and Settlement Officer, 1838–41 : in the Financial Department : Member of the Board of Administration of the Pan jab with the Lawrences, 1849–50 : Resident at Nagpur, 1852–4 : retired: died Nov. 19, 1886. MANSFIELD, SAMUEL (1816–1893)
I.C.S. : brother of Sir W. Mansfield, (Lord Sandhurst) (q.v.): educated at Haileybiiry, 1832–3 : entered the Bombay Civil Service, 1833 : in the mutiny, in charge of Khandesh District, did good service in maintaining order when the Bhils rose in rebellion : Revenue Commissioner, N. Division, 1860 : Commissioner in Sind, 1863, and Member of Council, Bombay, May, 1867, to May, 1872 : a patron and supporter of the Western Indian Turf : died Dec. 12, 1893 : C.S.I. MAN SINGH, MAHARAJA SIR-BAHADUR, KAIM JANG (1820–1870)
Youngest son of Raja Darshan Bahadur Singh Bahadur of Mahdauna, Faizabad, of a notable family of Sakaldipi Brahmans. Darshan Singh (died 1844), was brother of Raja Bakhtawar Singh, who accompanied Sleeman and was the King's Quarter-master-General and premier Raja in Oudh. In 1845 Man Singh was appointed Nizam of Daryabad, Rudauli and Sultanpur : made Raja Bahadur and acquired a vast estate : in 1855 became heir to his uncle, Bakhtawar Singh. At the annexation of Oudh, he was deprived of much of his property and soon after imprisoned at Faizabad as a revenue defaulter. When the mutiny broke out he was released by Col. Goldney, the Commissioner, and agreed to protect the European women and children : received 29 fugitives into his fort at Shahganj and escorted them in safety to Gorakhpur : in August, 1857, he went to Lucknow with a large contingent and a battery : but the rebels knew of his constant communication with the British, and after the fall of the capital besieged him at Shahganj, where he was relieved by Sir Hope Grant. He then rendered great assistance to the British and assisted in the restoration of order in Faizabad and elsewhere. In reward he regained all his old estates and those of the rebel Raja of Gonda, besides the remission of all outstanding balances : the foremost man among the Oudh talukdars, he acted as their mouthpiece in all the great controversies with regard to rights in land : Hony. Magistrate in 1860 : K.C.S.I., 1869 : died Oct. 11, 1870 : his daughter's son is the present Maharaja of Ajodhya. MARGARY, HENRY JOSHUA (1811–1876)
Maj-General : born 1811 : educated at Addiscombe : entered the Bombay Engineers in 1830 : served in the Mahratta campaign, 1844 : Commanding Engineer at the siege of Samnieghar : Field Engineer