Cavalry, 1822 : Lt-Colonel, 1854 : served in Gujarat, Kattiawar, Mahi Kanta, Rajputana : in the Afghan war, 1842 : wounded : at Hyderabad, Sind, under
Sir C. Napier : Political Officer at Khairpur, Sind : in an expedition against the Beluchis : Superintendent of the Gaekwar's Horse, 1850 : killed in the Persian war at the capture of Bushire, Dec. 9, 1856 : wrote A History of Sind.
Son of Benjamin Malkin, the miscellaneous writer : born Sep. 29, 1797 : educated at Bury St. Edmunds, and Trinity College, Cambridge : 3rd Wrangler, 1818 : Fellow : called to the bar at Lincoln's Inn, Feb. 11, 1823 : Recorder of Penang, 1832 : Judge of the Supreme Court at Calcutta : knighted : died there, Oct. 21, 1837 : a friend of Macaulay, who wrote his epitaph, "A man eminently distinguished for his literary and scientific attainments, by his professional learning and ability, by the clearness and accuracy of his intellect, by diligence, by patience, by firmness, by love of truth, by public spirit, ardent and disinterested, yet always under the guidance of discretion, by rigid uprightness, by unostentatious piety, by the serenity of his temper, and by the benevolence of his heart." Macaulay had previously written—"Malkin is a man of singular temper, judgment, and firmness of nerve. Danger and responsibility, instead of agitating and confusing him, always bring out whatever there is in him."
Born May 8, 1825 : son of John Malleson : educated at Wimbledon and Winchester : joined the Bengal N.I. in 1844 : in the second Burmese war of 1852–3 : in the Commissariat Department till 1856 : wrote The Mutiny of the Bengal Army, called "the red pamphlet," in 1857 : Sanitary Commissioner in Bengal, 1866–8 : Controller of the Military Finance Department, 1868–9 : Guardian of the young Maharaja of Mysore, 1869–77 : C.S.I. , 1872 : Colonel, 1873 : retired, 1877 : died March 1, 1898 : wrote constantly in the Calcutta Review, and works on Indian subjects : among them Essays and Lectures on Indian Historical Subjects, 1866; History of the French in India, 1868; Recreations of an Indian Official, 1872; Historical Sketch of the Native States of India, 1875; Final French Struggles in India and on the Indian Seas, 1878; History of the Indian Mutiny, 1878–80; History of Afghanistan, 1879; Herat, 1880; The Founders of the Indian Empire, Lord Clive, 1882; The Decisive Battles of India, 1883; The Russo-Afghan Question and the Invasion of India, 1885; Wellesley; Akbar; Dupleix; Warren Hastings.
MALLET, SIR LOUIS (1823–1890)
Son of John Lewis Mallet : born March 14, 1823 : became a clerk in the Audit Office in 1839 : Private Secretary to the President of the Board of Trade, 1848–52 : and 1855–7: Assistant Commissioner for carrying out commercial treaties with several nations, 1860–5, and with Austria, 1865–7 : C.B., 1866: K.C.B., 1868: Member of the Council of India, 1872–4 : Permanent Under Secretary of State for India, 1874–83 : visited India, 1875–6 : Privy Councillor, 1883 : represented the India Office at the Monetary Conference at Paris : was a Member of the Royal Commission on Gold and Silver, and on several other Royal Commissions : was a great authority on commercial policy, and an official exponent of free trade views : advocated bimetallism : his writings published in Free Exchange, 1891 : died Feb. 16, 1890.
Son of Daniel Malthus : born Feb. 17, 1766 : educated at Warrington, privately, and at Jesus College Cambridge : ninth Wrangler in 1788 : Fellow : ordained in 1798 : published his Essay on the Principle of Population, in 1798, the precursor of the greater work which appeared in 1803 : after travelling widely in Europe, he became, in 1805, Professor of History and Political Economy at the E. I. Co.'s College, Haileybury, a post which he occupied during the remainder of his life. He wrote also on the Principles of Political Economy, and on the Nature and Progress of Rent. He was F.R.S : member of the National Institute of France, Fellow of the Statistical Society. The tradition of his great amiability and charm of character lingered among the students at the East