Engineer at the taking of Ceylon, 1796 : at the siege of Seringapatam, May, 1799 : surveyed Mysore, until 1810 : Surveyor-General of Madras, 1810 : commanded the Engineers in Java, 1811– 15 : Surveyor-General of India, 1816 : died near Calcutta, May 8, 1821 : from 1783 he made extensive and valuable collections of Indian MSS., plans, tracts, drawings, antiquities, coins, statues, etc. : initiated detailed topographical surveys : wrote; in the
Oriental Annual Register and in Asiatic Researches : on the Life of Hyder Ali, the Bijyanagar and Unaganda Rajas, on the Bhats, or Indian bards : on buildings and sculptures, and on survey matters : his collections purchased from his widow for the E. I. Co. for £10,000 : a large portion of them sent to England : the S. India books and tracts made over to the Madras College Library, and later to the Madras Literary Society.
MACKENZIE, COLIN (1806–1881)
Lt-General : born March 25, 1806 : son of Kenneth Francis Mackenzie : educated at Dublin and at Oswestry : joined the 48th Madras N.I., 1825 : in the Coorg campaign, 1834, at the taking of Merkara : in the Straits of Molucca, 1836 : in 1840, Assistant Political Agent at Peshawar : went to Kabul : led Sale's returning force as far as Gandamak, and returned to Kabul : present at the conference at which Macnaghten was killed : escaped : was selected as one of the hostages to Akbar Khan : he was called "the Moollah" on account of his religious character : sent down on dangerous missions from Kabul to Jalalabad and back : after release, he joined in the attack on Istalif, Sep. 29, 1842 : raised and commanded a Sikh regt. on the frontier during 1848–9 : slighted by Lord Ellenborough, he was highly regarded by Lord Dalhousie : C.B. : made Brig-General in Hyderabad contingent : in a mutiny in 1855 at Bolarum against his orders, he was dangerously wounded : Government blamed his action : made A.G.G. at Murshidabad : Superintendent of Army Clothing : left India, 1873 : died Oct. 22, 1881.
MACKENZIE, HOLT (1787–1876)
I.C.S. : son of Henry Mackenzie, the wit, essayist, and man of letters : born 1787 : educated at Haileybury, 1806–7 : arrived in India in 1808, in the E.I. Co.'s Civil Service : was, in 1817, Secretary to Government in the Territorial Department : Member, 1820; President, 1825, of the Council of the College of Fort William : is best remembered for his work as a settlement officer, and for his connexion with the great Settlement Regulation, VII of 1822, which embodied his views and was said to have "immortalized the name of its framer" : in 1826 he was Secretary to the Governor-General on tour to the Upper Provinces : he returned to England in 1831, and was made a Privy Councillor and Commissioner of the Board of Control, 1832–4 : Vice-President of the Royal Asiatic Society, 1847 : died March 31, 1876.
Born Feb. 1, 1811 : son of Donald Mackenzie : entered the 92nd Gordon Highlanders in 1831 : served in the Mediterranean and West Indies : in the Irish rebellion of 1848, on the arrest of W. S. O'Brien, he stopped a railway train by threatening to shoot the engine-driver : his conduct was highly approved : he served on the staff in the Crimea, in the battles : gained Brevets : to India in 1858 : on the staff in Bengal : in June, 1859, sent to quell a mutiny of the 5th Bengal Europeans at Berhampur : D.Q.M.G., in China, 1860 : C.B., 1861 : Brevet-Colonel, 1869 : A.Q.M.G. : died of syncope, after being upset crossing a swollen river, Aug. 24, 1873.
Born 1811 : educated at King's College, Aberdeen : M.R.C.S., London, 1832 : M.D. : appointed to the Madras medical service, 1835. served in the Rohilla wars, 1841 and 1851 : M.D., 1856 : in the mutiny, as Staff Surgeon to Brigade under Sir Hugh Rose, in many actions in the Central India Field Force, 1857–8 : in the Berar Field Force, 1858–9 : C.B., 1859 : C.S.I., 1867 : Inspr-General of the Madras Medical Department, 1861–71 : author of various medical and other works : K.C.B., 1887 : died Oct. 29, 1895.