to Queen Victoria, 1859 : K.C.B., 1859 : died June, 13 1866.
Born 1832 : educated at Addiscombe : entered the Army, 1850 : with the 66th Gurkhas, in the Peshawar frontier expeditions, 1852, 1853, 1856, 1864 : in 1857–8 protected the hill passes on the KaleKumaon frontier from the Rohilkund rebels : with the 2nd Gurkhas in the Lushai expedition, 1871–2 : gained the V.C. : climbed over a stockade 8 to 9 feet high under heavy fire : Brevet-Lt-Colonel : in the Afghan war, 1878–9, commanded 2nd Gurkhas in the Khyber, and in the Bazar valley : retired as Maj-General, 1880 : F.R.G.S. : wrote Wanderings and Wild Sport on and beyond the Himalaya : died April 15, 1903.
MACK, REV. JOHN (1797–1845)
Born March 12, 1797 : a native of Edinburgh : his father was a Writer to the Signet : educated at Edinburgh University and distinguished himself at the Baptist College at Bristol : was selected by the Rev. W. Ward (q.v.) on his visit to England, in 1821, to be a Professor at the Serampur College : arrived there, Nov. 1821 : worked as Professor for 14 years : ordained in June, 1832, as co-pastor of the Serampur Church : succeeded Dr. Marshman (q.v.) in charge of the Serampur College, and raised it to be the first private establishment of education in India : highly proficient in classics, mathematics and natural science : gave the first chemical lectures ever delivered in Calcutta : translated into Bengali an elementary treatise on Chemistry : was deeply attached to the Missionary cause : made his mark as a public writer : shared in the editorial management of the Friend of India at Serampur, from the commencement of its publication in 1835 : died of cholera, April 30, 1845.
Born Sep. 11, 1852 : educated at Arbroath and Elgin : went to India to Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co., 1874 : President of the Bengal Chamber of Commerce, 1890–93 : Member of the Governor-General's Legislative Council, 1891–3 : Director of the British India Steam Navigation Co. : Member of the Council of India since 1897 : Special Commissioner and Plenipotentiary to negotiate a commercial treaty with China. 1901–2 : K.C.I. E., 1894 : G.C.M.G., 1902.
I.C.S. : born Jan. 28, 1842 : educated at King Edward VI's Grammar School, Birmingham, and Trinity College, Cambridge : arrived in India in Dec. 1862 : was early taken into the Bengal Secretariat, and served only a short time away from the headquarters of Government : wrote a history of the relations of Government with the tribes on the N.E. frontier of Bengal : Financial Secretary to the Government of Bengal in 1877 : Member of the Bengal Legislative Council in 1877 and 1879 : Home Secretary to the Government of India, 1882 : Chief Commissioner of the Central Provinces, 1887 : Chief Commissioner of Burma, 1890 : K.C.S.I., 1891 : Member of the Supreme Council, 1895 : Lieutenant-Governor of Bengal from Dec. 1895, to April, 1898. During this time he was absent for 6 months for his health, and for the same reason resigned his office. He successfully, and with economical results, directed the relief policy in the famine of 1896–7 : he was thorough in his regard for economy in principle and in practice. When plague appeared in Bengal and Calcutta, he made effective arrangements to combat it. He attended to the commercial interests of Calcutta. He attempted to improve the sanitary condition of Calcutta and initiated legislation to reform its municipal administration. This made him unpopular with certain classes in Bengal, though his ability, industry, and honesty of purpose were recognized. After his retirement he became Chairman of the India Development Company : died Nov. 10, 1902.
MACKENZIE, COLIN (1753?–1821)
Born about 1753 : went to India in 1782 and joined the Madras Engineers: rose to be Colonel in 1819 : stayed with friends at Madura, 1783, and formed plans of collecting materials for Indian history : was in the war of 1790–2 against Tippoo : after Seringapatam sent by Cornwallis to examine the geography of the ceded territory, including the Dekkan : at the siege of Pondicherry, 1793 : Commanding