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Bom 1830 : son of A. Lyster : served in the Indian mutiny, in Central India, 1857–8 : V.C. : Afghan war, 1878–9; Commanded 3rd Gurkha regt., 1879–87 : C.B., 1881.


Born Oct. 28, 1845 : son of 4th Baron Lyttelton : educated at Eton : entered the Army, 1865, and became Lt-Colonel, 1892 : was A.D.C. to Earl Spencer as Viceroy of Ireland, 1868–73 : Military Secretary to Sir John Adye, as Governor of Gibraltar, 1883–5, and to Lord Reay as Governor of Bombay, 1885–90 : was in the Jowaki expedition, 1877 : Egyptian campaign, 1882, at Tel-el- Kebir : brevet-Lt-Colonel : in Nile expedition, 1898, in command of a Brigade, at Khartum : Maj-General : A.A.G., at the War Office, 1895 : Assistant Military Secretary, War Office, 1897–8; in command of a Brigade at Aldershot, 1899–1900, and of a Brigade in S. Africa, 1899–1900 : commanded in Natal, 1901–2 : K.C.B. and Lt-General : commanded the Forces in South Africa, 1903–4 : Chief of the Staff in the Army Council, 1904.


Viceroy and Governor-General : son of the first Baron Lytton : born Nov. 8, 1831 : educated at Harrow and Bonn was Private Secretary to his uncle, Lord Dalling, at Washington and Florence paid Attache at the Hague, St. Peters burg, Constantinople and Vienna : wrote under the name of Owen Meredith, Clytemnestra, the Earl's Return, and other Poems The Wanderer, Lucile, Tannhauser, The Ring of Amasis : held diplomatic appointments at Belgrade, Vienna, Copenhagen Athens, Lisbon, Madrid, again at Vienna Paris, and was Minister at Lisbon, 1872–6 when he was, after declining the Governor ship of Madras, chosen by Lord Beacons field to be Viceroy and Governor-General of India : wrote Chronicles and Characters, Orval, or the Fool of Time, Fables in Song, etc. He succeeded his father in the Peerage, 1873, and held the Viceroyalty from April 12, 1876, to June 8, 1880 : it was an eventful and important time. Negotiations with the Amir of Afghanistan were resumed, but fruitless : the reception of a Russian envoy at Kabul, and the rejection of a British mission, led to the Afghan war, 1879–80, which is a matter of history : Lytton's policy, denounced at the time, can appeal to its results. He conducted the Imperial Assemblage at Delhi on Jan. 1, 1877, for the proclamation of H.M. Queen Victoria's assumption of the title of Empress of India : he had to deal with the famines in Bombay, Madras, Mysore, and visited these Provinces in Aug.-Sept. 1877 : the Famine Commission sat, and the system of "famine insurance" was established : the finances were further decentralized : internal customs were abolished : the cotton duties repealed : the Vernacular Press Act was passed : provision was made for the admission of more natives of India to civilians' appointments : his speeches, minutes, and despatches have never been surpassed : his disregard of convention gave opportunity to hostile critics, who gave little credit to his genius and great qualities. He was made an Earl in 1880 on his resignation with Lord Beaconsfield's Ministry. After leaving India, he was Ambassador to France, 1887–91 : and wrote his father's Life, Glenaveril, After Paradise, King Poppy : died at Paris, Nov. 24, 1891.


Born Feb. 23, 1800 : son of Robert Percy Smith, "Bobus," (q.v.), and nephew of Sydney Smith : educated at Eton and Christ Church, Oxford : M.P. for Truro, 1829–30 : for Northampton, 1831–59 : Junior Lord of the Treasury, 1830–4 : Joint Secretary to the Board cf Control for the affairs of India, 1835–9 : Secretary for War and the Colonies, 1839–41 : President of the Board of Control, Feb. 1855, to Feb. 1858, during the Indian mutiny : made a Peer, 1859 : G.C.B., 1872 : died Nov. 10, 1873.


Governor : son of George Macartney : born May 14, 1737 : educated at Trinity College, Dublin : Envoy Extraordinary to St. Petersburg, 1764–7 : knighted : Chief Secretary for Ireland, 1767–72 :

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