A.D.C. to his Majesty : and Colonel on the Staff, commanding R.A., Scottish District since 1899.
Son of a Brahman of Palghat in the District of Malabar : educated at the Provincial School at Calicut and the Presidency College in Madras : entered the Government service as translator in the Collector's office at Calicut : transferred in 1868 to Mysore under Ranga Charlu (q.v.). In 13 years he filled various subordinate offices until the rendition of the State to its ruler in 1881 : then he became Personal Assistant to Runga Charlu, whom he succeeded as Diwan in 1883. For 17 years he laboured assiduously to promote the economic and industrial development of the State. He began with a debt of 30 lakhs and left with a surplus of 176 lakhs. In railway, irrigation, and mining works immense progress was made during his administration : his unpopularity was due to his showing preference in his appointments to "outsiders" over natives of the State : a high - principled and accomplished statesman : received a handsome bonus of 4 lakhs on his retirement in 1900 : made C.S.I, in 1887, K.C.S.I. in 1893 : Fellow of the Madras University : died Sep. 13, 1901.
Born Jan. 28, 1832 : of a poor but respectable family in the Tanjore District : his father died when he was young, and his mother had not the means to educate him : began life as assistant to a village accountant : in 1846, Tahsildar Mutusawmy Naik was struck with his intelligence, and sent him to the Madras High School. He was a favourite pupil of E. B. Powell (q.v.) : after serving for a time in the Tanjore District, was appointed a Deputy Inspector of Schools in 1856 : and, later. District Munsif of Tranque-bar : in 1859, Deputy Collector of Tan-jore : in 1865, Sub-Judge of S. Canara : in 1868, Police Magistrate at Madras : passed the B.L. degree at the University, and became a Judge of the Small Cause Court : in 1878, C.I.E. and Judge of the High Court, where he remained for 15 years; acting as Chief Justice for 3 months in 1893 : K.C.I.E. : was very learned in Hindu Law and a sound English lawyer, somewhat timid in coming to a decision : died Jan. 25, 1895.
A Kashmiri Brahman : born April 8, 1840 : his father, Kedar Nath, was a merchant at Agra and for some time Diwan to the Nawab of Jaffhar : educated at the Agra College : in 1862 joined the bar. When the seat of Government was moved from Agra to Allahabad, he migrated there : in 1869 Professor of Law at Agra : very successful as a pleader, and amassed a fortune : continued his studies in Persian and Arabic : became a member of the N.W.P. Legislative Council; Fellow of the Calcutta and Allahabad Universities; a prominent member of the National Congress in 1888, and afterwards became Joint General Secretary : a man of strong individuality : died Jan. 11, 1892.
AKBAR KHAN ( ? –1849)
Eldest son of Dost Mahammad (q.v.), the Amir of Afghanistan : distinguished himself against the Sikhs, and took an active part in the insurrection in Kabul in 1841 against Shah Shuja, the Amir and the British forces : at the conference to which the envoy. Sir W. H. Macnaghten, was invited on Dec. 23, 1841, outside Kabul, he treacherously murdered Macnaghten : the British hostages, including women and children, were given over to him, when the British army retreated from Kabul and was destroyed, in Jan., 1842, by the Afghans and the climate : he treated them chivalrously : he attacked Sale's garrison near Jalalabad, but was beaten off on April 7, 1842, by a force under Havelock : he was again routed, in Aug., 1842, at Tezin by the relieving force under General Pollock : he died 1849, in Kabul, after the restoration of Dost Muhammad.
Educated at Mill Hill, Blackheath, Westminster, and Aberdeen University : Assistant Professor of Zoology, Aberdeen University, 1883–85 : joined the Indian Medical Service, 1885 : served in the Panjab Frontier Force : Surgeon Natura-