A horseman in a cavalry troop of Ranjit Singh (q.v.) : obtained an independent command, and for good service received from Ranjit the principality of Jammu : resided there and extended his authority into Ladak : was elected minister of the Sikh Khalsa : after Sobraon used his influence in favour of friendly relations with the British, who sold Kashmir to him, after the treaty of Lahore, 1846, and made a separate treaty with him : he maintained very amicable relations with the British Government, and had just arranged to furnish a strong auxiliary force for the suppression of the mutiny in the N.W.P., when he died of fever, Aug. 2, 1857.
Son of Maharaja Ranbir Singh (q.v.), and grandson of Maharaja Golab Singh (q.v.) : born, 1850 : succeeded his father, Sep. 12, 1885, as Maharaja of Kashmir and Jammu : G.C.S.I., 1892 : Maj-General in the Army and Honry. Colonel, 37th Dogras.
Succeeded his father, the Maharaja Golab Singh, in 1857 and supplied a contingent of troops to co-operate with the British forces against Delhi : was given an adoption sanad in 1862 : K.C.S.I., 1861 : G.C.S.I., 1866 : made a Commercial Treaty with the Viceroy and Governor-General for the purpose of developing trade with Eastern Turkistan, in May, 1870 : he reduced all transit duties through his territories : his maladministration, especially in connexion with the famine in his country in 1879, attracted the attention of the Government of India : died, Sep. 12, 1885.
A clerk in one of the civil offices in Lucknow, who, volunteering in disguise, "on the night of Nov. 9, 1857," as is recorded in the memorial to him in the church at Lucknow, "with the devotion of an ancient Roman hero, taking his life in his hand, went forth from the beleaguered Residency, and passing through a city thronged with merciless enemies, triumphantly guided Sir Colin Campbell on his way to the relief of the garrison" : he conveyed information from Sir J. Outram, of the greatest value to Sir Colin Campbell : he wrote How I Won the Victoria Cross, which he was awarded for his bravery : he was given an appointment in the Oudh Commission and rose to be Deputy Commissioner : he died about 1883.
KAY, REV. WILLIAM (1820–1886)
Son of Thomas Kay : born April 8, 1820 : educated at Giggleswick and Lincoln College, Oxford : Scholar, Fellow and Tutor : Pusey and Ellerton Hebrew Scholar : ordained 1843 : B.D., 1849 : D.D., 1855 : Principal of Bishop's College, Calcutta, 1849–65, where he exerted much influence : received a College living at Great Leigh's. Essex : Hon. Canon of St. Albans : was one of the revisers of the Old Testament in 1870, and devoted his life to his parish and to critical and learned works on the Scriptures : he died Jan. 16, 1886.
Born 1814 : son of Charles Kaye, solicitor to the Bank of .'England : educated at Eton and Addiscombe : went out to India in the Bengal Artillery, 1832–3 : retired from the Army, 1841, to adopt a literary career : established the Calcutta Review in 1844; edited the first 5 numbers, and wrote 47 articles in the first 50 numbers : returned to England, 1845 : in 1856 entered the Home Civil Service of the E. I. Co. : and in 1858 succeeded J. S. Mill as Secretary in the Political and Secret Department at the India Office : K.C.S.I., 1871 : retired, 1874 : was F.R.S. : died July 24, 1876. He wrote his History of the War in Afghanistan, 1851; the Administration of the East India Company, 1853; the Life and Correspondence of Lord Metcalfe, 1854; of Henry St. George Tucker, 1854; also of Sir John Malcolm, 1856; Christianity in India, 1859; The History of the Sepoy War in India, 1857–8, 1864–76 : Lives of Indian Officers, 1867 : besides editing Buckle's Memoirs of the Services of the Bengal Artillery, 1852; Tucker's Memorials of Indian Government, 1853,