portion of Cooch Behar, and carried off the Raja, the Cooch Behar family solicited the aid of the Government of India, which was accorded : Captain Jones was despatched with four companies of sepoys and two guns to drive back the Bhutanese. He not only drove them back, but followed them into Bhutan and carried the three forts of Dalimkote (April, 1773), Chichacottah and Passakha, pressing the Bhutanese so hard that they were compelled to invoke the aid of the Tibetan General at Lhasa : Jones soon after fell a sacrifice to the unwholesome climate of Cooch Behar.
JONES, SIR JOHN (1811–1878)
Born 1811 : entered the 5th foot regt. in 1828, but exchanged into the 60th Rifles : Lt-Colonel, 1854 : at Meerut in the mutiny of 1857 : commanded his battalion at the Hindun, Badli-ka-sarai, and the siege of Delhi : led the left attack : Brigadier of the Rurki Field Force, in the Rohilkund campaign, and at Bareli : his success gained for him the name of "Avenger" : in the subsequent campaign in Oudh : C.B. : Brevet-Lt-Colonel : K.C.B. : Maj-General, 1868 : Lt-General, 1877 : died Feb. 21, 1878.
JONES, JOHN FELIX ( ? –1878)
Captain in the Indian Navy : made charts of the Red Sea : in the survey of Ceylon and Mesopotamia : from 1843 was on the survey of the Tigris and Euphrates : discovered the ancient Opis in 1850 : mapped and wrote on Nineveh and surrounding country and Bagdad, 1852–3 : Political Agent at Bagdad, 1854 : in the Persian Gulf, 1855 : served in the Persian war and the mutiny : then retired : made a map of Western Asia : F.R.G.S. : died Sep. 3, 1878.
JONES, REV. RICHARD (1790–1855)
Born 1790 : son of a solicitor at Tunbridge Wells : educated at Caius College, Cambridge : ordained, 1819 : performed ministerial duties for some years in Kent and Sussex : appointed, in 1833, Professor of Political Economy and History at King's College, London, and in 1835 at Haileybury : co-operated in forming the scheme of comparison for the commutation of tithes, and became Tithes Commissioner, and later a Charity Commissioner : published Jones on Rent : died at Haileybury, Jan. 26, 1855.
JONES, SIR WILLIAM (1746–1794)
Youngest son of William Jones the mathematician : born Sep. 28, 1746 : educated at Harrow, for more than ten years : Scholar of University College, Oxford, 1764 : there began his studies in Oriental and other languages : became tutor to young Lord Althorp : Fellow of his College, 1766 : M.A. in 1773 : translated a life of Nadir Shah from Persian into French, 1770 : wrote a Persian grammar, 1771 : translations of Poems and six books of commentaries on Asiatic Poetry : F.R.S. in 1772, and Member of the Literary Club, 1773 : called to the bar from the Middle Temple in 1774 : was a Commissioner of bankrupts, 1776 : published an Essay on the Law of Bailments, 1881 : unsuccessful candidate for the Arabic Professorship at Oxford : published a translation of the Arabic Moallakat : appointed a Judge of the Supreme Court at Calcutta, 1783 : knighted : founded the Asiatic Society of Bengal in 1784 and was its President till his death : contributed 29 papers to the first four volumes of the Asiatic Researches, translated the ordinances of the Hind : lawgiver, Manu : the Sakuntala of Kalidasu the Gitagohinda of Jagadeva, the Hitopadesa of Pilpai, and some works on Muhammadan law : he was the first English scholar to know Sanskrit : he studied every department of Oriental learning and literature, and advanced them all : he aimed at making Eastern learning known to the West. He was intimate with Warren Hastings and his successors, and had their support. His judicial work was also well performed : he commenced a digest of Hindu and Muhammadan law : but is best known by the results of his literary labours. He overtaxed his strength, and died, April 27, 1794. A monument was erected to him in St. Paul's Cathedral. His scholarship was of world-wide renown, "and his memory is dearly cherished by all Oriental scholars."
JONES, SIR WILLIAM (1808–1890)
Born 1808 : son of William Jones : educated at Sandhurst : entered the 60th