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Moravian missionary : born at Herrnhut, May 17, 1817 : trained at the Mor- avian College at Niesky, in Silesia, 1842–56 : superintended the mission at Kyelang, in Lahoul, in the W. Himalayas, 1856–68 : translated the New Testament into Tibetan and collected materials for a Tibetan Dictionary : wrote a Tibetan grammar and other works : greatly assisted by Dr. A. C. Burnell (q.v.), brought out his Tibetan-German dictionary, 1873, and a revised edition of it for the India Office, which greatly advanced the knowledge of Tibetan : died Sep. 29, 1883.

JEE, JOSEPH (1821–1899)

Deputy Surgeon-General : son of Christopher Preston Jee : educated at London and Edinburgh Universities, and Paris : Assistant Surgeon in the 1st Dragoons, 1842 : in the Persian war, 1857 : with Havelock in the mutiny : gained his V.C. at the final capture of Lucknow : was in the Rohilkund campaign : C.B. : died March 17, 1899.

JEFFREYS, JULIUS (1801–1877)

Son of the Rev. R. Jeffreys : born 1801 : studied medicine at Edinburgh and London : entered the E. I. Co.'s medical establishment in 1822 : and, after meteorological observations, recommended that hill stations should be formed as health resorts, and suggested Simla as one, there being then only a single house there : he had an inventive turn of mind, proposed various chemical manufactures, invented a respirator, and obtained patents for a number of inventions connected with ships : F.R.S. and other learned Societies : died May 13, 1877.


Born 1832 : son of Rev. David Jenkins : educated at Marlborough : entered the Bengal Army, 1851 : Colonel, 1879 : and retired in 1885 : served in the mutiny of 1857, at the siege of Delhi : Umbeyla expedition, 1863 : Afghan war, 1878–80 : K.C.B., 1897.


Born Dec. 22, 1858 : son of Richard David Jenkins : called to the bar, 1883 : Puisne Judge of the Calcutta High Court, 1896–9 : Chief Justice of the Bombay High Court since 1899 : K.C.I.E., 1903.


I.C.S. : son of Richard Jenkins : born Feb. 18, 1785 : went out to Bombay in the E. I. Co.'s service in 1800 : was an Assistant in the office of the Governor-General, and, in 1804–5, Assistant Political at Poona and Assistant Resident at Sindia's Court : and acting Resident : officiating Resident at Nagpur in 1807, and permanently there from 1810 to 1827 : he proposed to the Governor-General the suppression of the Pindaris : in 1817, the troops of Appa Sahib, the Raja of Berar, attacked the British Residency troops at Sitabaldi, Nov. 26-7 : Appa was dethroned, 1818, and, during the minority of his successor, Jenkins governed Nagpur : retired in 1828 : was M.P. for Shrewsbury, 1830–1 and 1837–41 : D.C.L. Oxford, 1834 : G.C.B. in 1838 : Chairman of the E. I. Co.'s Directors, 1839 : died Dec. 30, 1853.


Born 1841 : entered Bengal Cavalry, 1859, and became Maj-General, 1895, and Lt-General, 1900 : served on the N.W. Frontier, 1863–4 : Egyptian war, 1882 (Brevet-Colonel), and Hazara campaign, 1888 : C.B., 1896.


Born 1811 : son of Archibald Jerdon : joined the medical service in Madras, 1835 : retired, 1864, and died June 12, 1872 : he is best known as a zoologist, by his Illustrations of Indian Ornithology, 1844; Birds of India, 1862–4; Mammals of India, 1867, which are standard works of reference to this day.


Son of James Jeremie, merchant : born April 12, 1802 : educated at Elizabeth College, Guernsey; Blundell's School, Tiverton ; Trinity College, Cambridge : distinguished himself : Fellow : ordained, 1830 : Professor of Classical and General Literature at the E. I. Co.'s College at Haileybury, 1830–50 : Christian Advocate in the University, Cambridge, 1833–50

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