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Mahratta fleet, and he died of his wounds at Gheria, April 30, 1783.


I.C.S. : born 1829 : son of Joseph Hume, M.P. (q.v.) : educated at Haileybury : entered the Bengal Civil Service, 1849 : served in the N.W.P. : Commissioner of Inland Customs : Secretary to Government of India in the Revenue and Agriculture Department : Member of Board of Revenue, N.W.P., 1879 : in the mutiny was Magistrate of Etawah, N.W.P. : rendered good service against the mutineers, with whom he was several times engaged : C.B., 1860 : retired in 1882 : took a prominent part in organizing and supporting the National Congress, and in criticizing the actions of the Government of India, for years : author of several works on ornithology.

HUME, JOSEPH (1777–1855)

The Radical politician : born Jan. 22, 1777 : son of a shipmaster : educated at Montrose : studied medicine at Aberdeen, Edinburgh, London : M.C.S., Edinburgh, 1796 : in 1797 entered the marine medical service of the E. I. Co. : in 1799 joined the land service : studied the native languages : employed in political work, as army surgeon, as interpreter, postmaster and paymaster in the Mahratta war under Lord Lake : left India in 1807 and the service, with £40,000 : was M.P. for various constituencies, 1812–55 : attended to Indian affairs, but failed in his efforts to become a Director of the E. I. Co. : advocated freedom of trade with India : became a leader of the Radical party for 30 years : his parliamentary career forms part of English politics : Vice-President, Society of Arts : F.R.S. : and Fellow of the Royal Asiatic Society : died Feb. 20, 1855.


Born 1828 : entered the Army, 1847, and became Lt-General, 1883 : served in the Crimea, 1854–5 : twice severely wounded : Bhutan expedition, 1865 : commanded Sagar District, 1874–7 : Allahabad Division, 1879–80 : S. Afghanistan Field Force, 1880–1 : Quetta Division, 1881 : and Lahore Division, 1881–4 : K.C.B., 1887 : G.C.B., 1902.

HUNTER, ROBERT (1823–1897)

Born Sep. 3, 1823 : son of John M. Hunter : educated at Aberdeen Univer-sity : was licensed as Precentor of the Free Church of Scotland : in 1846 joined Stephen Hislop (q.v.) at the Free Church mission at Nagpur : performed educational and missionary work for nine years : returned home in 1855 : made discoveries in geology : devoted himself to literary and evangelistic work : edited Lloyd's Encyclopcsdic Dictionary, 1889 : LL.D. : Fellow of learned Societies : published a History of India, 1863 : and History of the Missions of the Free Church of Scotland in India and Africa, 1873 : died Feb. 25, 1897.

HUNTER, WILLIAM (1756–1812)

Born 1755 : educated at the Marischal College, and the University, Aberdeen : went to India, 1781, in the E. I. Co.'s medical service : in 1782, driven to Burma by a storm, he wrote an Account of Pegu, 1785 : Surgeon at the Agra Residency : on the Resident's expedition from Agra to Ujain, 1792–3 : Surgeon to the marines, 1794–1806 : Secretary to the Asiatic Society of Bengal for 11 years, between 1798 and 1811 : examiner in Persian and Hindustani at the College of Fort William : Secretary of the College : M.D. : Superintendent Surgeon of Java, 1811–2 : contributed scientific articles to Asiatic Researches : published a Hindustani-English Dictionary, 1808 : and a Collection of Proverbs in Persian and Hindustani : revised the Hindustani New Testament : wrote on medical subjects : died in Java, Dec. 1812.


Educated at King's College, London, and Aberdeen University : entered the Bombay Medical Department, 1850 : was in the second Burmese war : and in the mutiny : Principal and Professor of Medicine of the Grant Medical College, Bombay : Surgeon-General : Vice-Chancellor of the Bombay University : M.P. for Central Hackney, 1885–92 : K.C.M.G. : died March 14, 1902.


I.C.S. : born July 15, 1840 : son of Andrew Galloway Hunter : educated at

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