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C. Campbell : with 75th regt. under Outram at the Alambagh : joined the Bengal Staff Corps, 1861 : served with the 15th Sikhs, 1867–90 : in the Afghan war, 1875–80 : in the march from Kandahar to Kabul and battles of Ahmad Kheyl and Urzoo : in the march from Kabul to Kandahar and battle of Kandahar : commanded 15th Sikhs at Suakin, 1885 : in several engagements : C.B., 1885 : left India, 1890 : Maj-General, 1894 : on unemployed

supernumerary list, 1891 : K.C.B., 1903 : Colonel of 15th Sikhs, May, 1904 : died July 26, 1905.


I.C.S. : born July 26, 1850 : entered the Indian Civil Service in Lower Bengal in 1873 : Private Secretary to the Lieutenant-Governor of Bengal, the Hon. Sir A. Eden (q.v.) : Inspr-General of Police,Bengal, 1891–1900 : C.S.I. , 1898 : resigned, 1901 : Assistant Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, London, 1901–3 : Commissioner thereof, since 1903 : adapted the system of taking the finger and thumb impressions of criminals for the purpose of establishing their identity and proving previous convictions.


Born Aug. 23, 1846 : educated at Woolwich : entered the R.E., 1868 : and became Maj-General, 1901 : served in the Afghan war, 1878–80 : Burmese expedition, 1885 : Chin-Lushai expedition, 1889–90 : commanding R.E. : Brevet-Lt-Colonel : Q.M.G. India : C.B., 1903.

HERBERT, WILLIAM (1718–1795)

Born Nov. 29, 1718 : educated at Hitchin : in 1748 went out to India as a purser's clerk : made a long journey in the country there : drew plans of settlements for the E. I. Co : published, in 1758, A New Directory for the East Indies, dedicated to the E. I. Co, styling himself hydrographer. From being a chart-engraver, he became a dealer in books, and brought out Typographical Antiquities : died March 18, 1795.

HERKLOTS, G.A. ( ? -after 1832)

Surgeon on the Madras Establishment : the Qanoon-e-Islam, or the customs of the Muhamraadans of India, comprising a full and exact account of the various rites and ceremonies, from the moment of birth till the hour of death, by Jaffur Shurreef, (a Native of the Dekkan), was composed under the direction of Herklots and translated by him : published in 1832 : a second edition issued at Madras, 1863.


Born May 14, 1863 : son of A. W. T. Hertz : educated at St. Xavier's College, Calcutta : passed the Higher Standard in Burmese, Shan and Kachin languages : took active part in the operations round Mandalay, 1886–7, and Shan States, 1887–90, and in operations in Kachin Hills, 1890–1900 : author of A Practical Hand-book of the Kachin Language : C.I.E., 1900.

HESSING, JOHN (1740–I803)

Colonel : born in Holland, 1740 : went to India, 1764 : after employment at other Native Courts, entered the service of De Boigne (q.v.), and was engaged in his battles, but left him after a quarrel : accompanied Madhava Sindia (q.v.) to Poona, 1792 : was made Commandant of the Agra Fort, 1800, where (Lord) Metcalfe (q.v.) met him : a brave and intrepid officer : died July 21, 1803 : his mausoleum is at Agra.


Born June 11, 1750 : son of Major Schuckbmrgh Hewett : educated at Wim- borne and the R.M.A., Woolwich : entered the 70th regt., 1762 : served in the W. Indies ten years, and in N. America, at Charleston, again in the W. Indies : Adjutant-General in Ireland to 1799 : head of the Recruiting Department : Inspr-General of the Army of Reserve : was C. in C. in India, Oct. 1807, to Dec. 1811 : had to deal with the case of the Madras officers and the expeditions to Mauritius and Java : commanded in Ireland, 1813–16 : Baronet, 1818 : G.C.B. : General : 40 years Colonel of the 61st regt. : died March 21, 1840.


I.C.S. : born Aug. 25, 1854 : son of Rev. John Hewett : educated at Win-

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