Eldest son of the first Viscount Hardinge (q.v.), the Governor-General : born Sep. 12, 1822 : educated at Eton and Christ Church, Oxford : was Private Secretary to his father the whole time the latter was Governor-General, 1844–8 : M.P. for Downpatrick, 1851–6 : succeeded to the Peerage, 1856 : Under Secretary for War, 1858–9 : a good amateur artist : a volume, Recollections of India, published from his drawings : he wrote a life of his father for the " Rulers of India " series : he died July 28, 1894. HARDINGE, HENRY, FIRST VISCOUNT, OF LAHORE (1785–1856)
Governor-General : Field Marshal : born March 30, 1785 : son of Rev. Henry Hardinge : entered the Army in 1799 : went through the Royal Military College at High Wycombe, 1806–7 : through the Peninsular war, first as D.A.Q.M.G., afterwards with the Portuguese Army : present in a number of battles, several times wounded : K.C.B. in 1815 : lost an arm at Quatre Bras : Commissioner with the Prussians in France, 1818 : D.C.L. of Oxford : M.P. 1820–44, for Durham, Newport and Launceston : Secretary at War, 1818–30 : and 1841–4 : Irish Secretary in 1830, and 1834–5 : Lt-General in 1841 : G.C.B. in 1844 : was Governor-General of India from July, 1844, to Jan. 1848 : the first to go out overland. The Panjab being in a state of anarchy since Ranjit Singh's death in 1839, and the Sikh khalsa army dominant, Hardinge strengthened the Satlaj frontier with troops : when the Sikhs crossed the Satlaj, they were defeated at Mudki and Firozshahr in Dec. 1845, and in Feb. 1846, at Sobraon, Hardinge serving as second in command under Sir Hugh Gough, the C. in C. On peace being made, on terms dictated to the Sikhs, Hardinge received a Peerage, and pensions from Parliament and the E.I. Co. Kashmir was annexed and made over to the Raja of Jammu for a large sum : a British Resident (Sir H. Lawrence), at Lahore, was appointed. On retiring from India he claimed to have left it in complete peace. Hardinge also left his mark on the internal administration of India : he established schools: prohibited Sunday work m Government offices : promoted railways and irrigation : determined important military questions, both in the native and the European armies. His equestrian statue was subsequently erected in Calcutta. He was made Master-General of the Ordnance in 1852, and was C. in C. of the Forces, 1852–6 : Field Marshal in 1855 : died Sep. 24, 1856. HARDWICKE, ALBERT EDWARD PHILIP HENRY YORKE, SIXTH EARL OF (1867–1904)
Born March 14, 1867 : son of the fifth Earl : educated at Eton : in the Diplomatic service, 1886–91 : worked eight years as member of a firm of stockbrokers : part proprietor of the Saturday Review : Under Secretary of State for India, 1900–2 : for War, 1902–3 : and again for India, 1903–4 : died suddenly Nov. 29, 1904. HARDY, REV. ROBERT SPENCE ( ? –1868)
Missionary : in 1825, appointed to the Wesleyan Mission in Ceylon : from 1835, methodically studied the authentic sources. of Buddhism : published Eastern Monachism, 1850, and Manual of Buddhism, 1852, on the condition of the Buddhist priesthood in Ceylon, the Buddhist system and legendary history of Gautama Buddha in the South : General Superintendent of the S. Ceylon mission, 1863–6 : wrote on the Sacred Books of the Buddhists, compared with History and Modern Science : Honorary Member of the Royal Asiatic Society : died April 16, 1868. HARE, DAVID (1775–1842)
An enthusiastic promoter of the English education of Indians : born in Scotland in 1775 : brought up as a watchmaker : went out to Calcutta in 1800 : in a few years acquired a competence, and before 1816 made over his business to a relative named Grey : in 1814 proposed to his friend, Raja Ram Mohan Roy, the establishment of an English school at Calcutta : with the help of Sir Edward East and Bengali friends, opened the Hindu College on Jan. 20, 1817 : locating it on a piece of his land on the N. side of College Square : in Sep. 1818, founded the Calcutta.