against the British ended in the treaty of Salbai between the Peshwa and the British in 1782, and led Warren Hastings to appreciate his talents so greatly that he left him virtually a free hand in the administration of Central India and Hindustan. He now came tobe recognized as anindependent
Prince, though nominally the vassal of the Peshwa and the Delhi Emperor : with the aid of De Boigne, who entered his service about this time, he soon made himself feared by his neighbours, but in his attempt to attack the Raja of Jaipur was repulsed by a conspiracy of Rajput chiefs and Ismail Beg, who defeated him. In the revolt of Ghulam Kadir against the Emperor of Delhi, in 1788, Sindia took no part, but, after Delhi was retaken, he espoused the cause of the blind Emperor. One of his first acts was to re-engage De Boigne as Commander of his forces. He defeated Ismail Beg and the Rajputs in 1790, and entered the town of Ajmir. In 1791 he formed the famous alliance with Lord Cornwallis against Tippoo, which ended in the latter's defeatat Seringapatam. In 1794 he proceeded to Poona to invest the young Peshwa with the Vice-regency of the Empire, and received from him the title of Deputy Vice-Regent. In his absence, his territories were attacked by Ismail Beg and Holkar, who were both defeated by De Boigne. Madhava Rao died suddenly at Poona on Feb. 12, 1794, and it is not improbable that he was the victim of foul play on the part of Nana Farnavis, who was jealous of his influence. He early recognized the military power of the British, and did not oppose them for long. In his schemes of self-aggrandizement, he worked as the subordinate of the Peshwa and the Delhi Emperor.
Born Oct. 20, 1876 : succeded to the Raj, July 3, 1886 : Hon. Colonel British Army, 1898 : went to China as Orderly Officer to General Sir A. Gaselee, 1901, and provided the expedition with a hospital ship at his own expense : G.C.S.I., 1895 : went to England for the Coronation of H.M. King Edward VII in 1902 : Hon. LL.D., Cambridge : Hon. and Extra A.D.C. to the King.
Born Jan. 30, 1849 : son of F. Gwatkin : educated at Rugby and Trinity College, Cambridge : M.A. : entered the Array, 1872, and Indian Staff Corps, 1875 : served in Afghanistan, Egypt, Soudan, Lushai Hills, Chin-Lushai Hills, Manipur, Chitral and Tirah : Brevet -Major and Brevet-Lt-Colonel : D.A.A.G., Assam: Military Secretary to C. in C. in India : A.A.G., Peshawar District : Colonel on the Staff, commanding Sialkot : C.B., 1902.
HADLEY, GEORGE ( ? –1798)
Joined the E.I. Co.'s Bengal Army, 1763 : retired, 1771 : wrote and published grammatical treatises on Hindustani in 1772 and 1796, and Persian, 1776, with vocabularies : died Sep. 10, 1798.
Son of Patrick Douglas Hadow : educated at Cheltenham : entered the Army, 1870, and the Bengal Staff Corps, 1876 : became Brevet-Colonel, 1892 : served during the Afghan war, 1878–80 : present at Ahmad Kheyl and Urzoo : in the march from Kabul to Kandahar, and battle of Kandahar : Soudan expedition, 1885, present at Tofrek and Tamai : second Miranzai expedition, 1891 : Chitral relief, 1895 : D.S.O. : Tirah expedition, 1897 : present at Dargai : severely wounded at Khangarbur : commanded 15th Sikhs : retired.
Born March 15, 1860 : son of Aaron Haffkine, Odessa : educated at Berdiansk College (S. Russia) and Odessa University : engaged in research work at Zoological Museum, Odessa, 1883–8 : Assistant Professor of Physiology, Geneva, 1888–9 : assistant to Pasteur in Paris, 1889–93 : on bacteriological duty in India since 1893 : Director-in-Chief, Government Plague Research Laboratory, Bombay : C.I.E. : author of works of general Microbiology, Cholera, Plague, etc.
A famous Rohilla chief : born about 1710 in Afghanistan : uncle of Ali Muham-