Eton and Sandhurst : served with the Seaforth Highlanders, 1863–95 : in the Madras famine, 1877–8 : Brig-Major during Afghan war, 1879–80, and in
Mahsud-Waziri expedition, 1881 : served in Black Mountain expedition, 1891 : A.A.G., Panjab command, 1895–7 : commanded Regimental Districts in Scot- land : retired : C.B., 1900.
GRANT, JAMES ( ? - ? )
In the service of the E.I. Co. : was stationed in Bengal, 1784–9 : selected by the Government to superintend the native management of the revenues : found him-self obliged to expose the abuses connected with the whole system of native agency : appointed Chief Sarishtadar, or general superintendent of native revenue accounts under the Board of Revenue, 1786 : his tract, —An Inquiry into the Nature of Zemindary Tenures in the Landed Property of Bengal, 1791—gives the best account of the native revenue system.
The African traveller : born April 11, 1827 : son of James Grant : educated at Nairn and Aberdeen schools and at the Marischal College, Aberdeen : joined the 8th Bengal N.I. in 1846 : was present at Multan and Gujarat : Adjutant : was with the 78th Highlanders at the relief of Lucknow : accompanied J. H. Speke on his African expedition, 1861–4, including the discovery of the source of the Nile : received the Gold Medal of the Geographical Society, 1864 : C.B., 1866 : in the Intelligence Department in the Abyssinian expedition : C.S.I. : retired as Lt-Colonel, 1868 : died Feb. 11, 1892 : wrote A Walk across Africa, 1864 : and in scientific Journals about his travels.
Son of Francis Grant : born July 22, 1808 : educated at Edinburgh and Hofwyl, Switzerland : remained in the 9th Lancers from Colonel in 1826 to Maj-General in 1858 : Brig-Major to Lord Saltoim in the first Chinese war, 1840–2 : C.B. : in the first Sikh war, 1845–6, including Sobraon : in the Panjab campaign of 1848–9, at Ramnagar, Chilianwala and Gujarat : Brevet-Lt-Colonel : was at Umbala when the mutiny broke out : Brigadier of the cavalry : at Badli-ka-sarai : at the siege of Delhi : the relief of Lucknow : Cawnpur : commanded movable columns and the trans-Gogra force : K.C.B., 1858 : commanded in the second Chinese war, 1860–1 : captured the Taku forts and Pekin : G.C.B. : C. in C. at Madras, Dec. 1861–May, 1865 : Q.M.G. of the Army, 1865–70 : in command at Aldershot, 1870, where he initiated the autumn manoeuvres, and introduced many improvements : he was strong in his religious views : died March 7, 1875.
Born Aug. 12, 1788 : son of Robert Grant : was in the E.I. Co.'s Civil Service, 1805–49 : devoted himself to astronomy, the microscope and other scientific pursuits : he made a granite observatory on the Elchies estates, and there had the "Trophy Telescope" : he was F.R.A.S., 1864 : died Sep. 17, 1865.
Son of William Grant, M.D. of London and Rothiemurchus : born Sep. 21, 1774 : succeeded his uncle in the Rothiemurchus estate in 1790 : educated at Cambridge : read law at Edinburgh : called to the bar from Lincoln's Inn, 1802 : M.P. for Great Grimsby and Tavistock : went to Bombay in 1827 as a Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court there : knighted : when the Bombay Government interfered to prevent the execution of decrees of the Court, a rupture took place, and Grant closed the Court in April, 1829 : Lord Ellenborough, at the Board of Control, appointed a new Chief Justice, Sir J. Dewar, and a new Judge, writing that Grant "will be like a wild elephant led between two tame ones." Grant resigned his appointment, left Bombay in Sep. 1830, and went over to Calcutta : practised there at the bar, and became a Puisne Judge, 1833–48, of the Calcutta Supreme Court. He died May 17, 1848, on his voyage homewards : he wrote on legal subjects.
I.C.S. : son of Sir John Peter Grant (q.v.) : born Nov. 23, 1807 : educated at Eton, Edinburgh University, Haileybury : went to India in 1828 : served for four years in the N.W.P. : Secretary in 1832 to the Board of Revenue, Calcutta :