General, serving under his command : made Baron Gough, of Ching-keangfoo
in China, Maharajpur and the Satlaj in the East Indies : commanded again in the second Sikh war, 1848–9, and won the battles of Ramnagar, Nov, 22, 1846; Chilianwala, Jan. 13, 1849. The result of Chilianwala was regarded as being so indecisive that Sir Charles Napier was sent out to supersede Gough, but, before his arrival. Gough had won Gujarat, Feb. 21, 1849, the Sikhs being thoroughly defeated. He retired in May, 1849; was made Viscount Gough of Gujarat and Limerick : received thanks of Parliament and a pension, and freedom of the City of London : General in 1854 : sent in 1856 to Sebastopol to invest Pelissier and others with the Order of the Bath : K.P. in 1857 : P.C. in 1859 : K.C.S.T. in 1861 : Field Marshal in 1862 : he died March 2, 1869. He is said to have commanded in more general actions than any British officer in the century, the Duke of Wellington excepted. He was very popular with the soldiers.
Born Nov. 14, 1833 : son of George Gough : educated privately : entered the Bengal Army, 1853 : in Hodson's Horse, served throughout the Indian mutiny : at siege of Delhi, relief and capture of Lucknow : V.C. on Nov. 12, 1857, on the advance to the relief of Lucknow : was in Abyssinia : C.B. : Afghan campaign, several times wounded : in command of the Cavalry Brigade on the Kabul-Kandahar march : General : Keeper of Crown Jewels, 1898–1904 : Lieutenant-Governor of the Channel Islands, 1904 : G.C.B., 1896 : author of Old Memories, 1897.
Born Feb. 4, 1848 : son of General Sir J. B. Gough : educated at Royal Naval School, Gosport, and Emmanuel College, Cambridge : served in R.N. 1862–5 : entered loth Hussars, 1868 : became Colonel, 1888, and Maj-General, 1900 : A.D.C. to C. in C, India, 1876–81 : served in Afghan war, 1878–9 : Egyptian campaign, 1884 : Bechuanaland expedition, 1884–5 : commanded 18th Hussars, 1889–93 : Assistant A.G. for Cavalry, 1893–8 : C.M.G., 1886 : C.B., 1899 : Lieutenant-Governor of Jersey, 1904.
General : son of Very Rev. Thomas Bunbury Gough, and nephew of Lord Gough : born 1804 : entered the Army through the R.M. College, 1820 : Captain in the 3rd Light Dragoons : went to India with his uncle : on his Staff through all his battles in China, Gwalior, the Satlaj and Panjab compaigns : commanded the cavalry Brigade at Mudki and Firozshahr : severely wounded at Sobraon : Colonel : A.D.C. to Queen Victoria : C.B. : Q.M.G. of the Queen's Troops in India: Colonel of the Royal Scots Greys, 1864 : K.C.B. 1867 : G.C.B., 1876 : died Sep. 22, 1891.
A Rajput : born Nov. 26, 1868, at Sagar, C.P. educated at the High School there, at the Jabalpur College, at Hislop College, Nagpur : to England, 1889 : graduated at Cambridge in Moral Sciences and Law, 1892 : called to the bar at the Inner Temple, 1892 ; returning to India, he first entered the Central Provinces Commission : resigned it for the bar : Secretary of the District Council at Raipur, 1897–1905 : wrote on the Law of Transfer : M.A. : LL.D. Dublin : D.C.L : a social reformer and political speaker.
GOVER, CHARLES E. ( ? –1872)
Son of Thomas Gover : appointed Principal and Secretary of the Madras Military Orphan Male Asylum at Egmore in 1864 : member of the Royal Asiatic Society, 1868–72 : also of the Society of Arts : and Fellow of the Anthropological Society : wrote on Indian Weights and Measures, on Indian folk-lore, and a collection of Essays, The Folk-songs of Southern India, 1872 : died at Madras, Sept. 20, 1872.
GOWER, SIR ERASMUS (1742–1814)
Son of Abel Gower : entered the Navy in 1755 : served on various stations in N. America, Jamaica, etc. : in 1781 commanded the Medea frigate in the E. Indies : captured the Vryheid, a Dutch ship, at Cuddalore in 1783 : and retook the Chaser with despatches : present in engagement between Suffrein and Sir E.Hughes (q.v.) off Cuddalore : in 1792–4, with Lord. Macartney and his embassy to China :