the S. African campaign : dangerously wounded at Magersfontein : V.C.
Colonel : born at Paramatta, N.S.W. Feb. 24, 1849 : son of Rev. W. F. Gore: educated at Lancing and Woolwich : joined the Royal Engineers, 1870 : served in India, since 1872 : joined the Survey Department : in the Afghan war, 1879–80 : present at Ahmad Kheyl : Afghan Boundary Commission, 1884–6 : Brevet-Major : Surveyor-General of India, 1899–1904 : C.S.I. : retired.
His original name was Nilkanta Sastri : born near Jhansi, Feb. 8, 1825 : of a Mahratta Brahman family of hereditary Prime Ministers of the Peshwas : educated at Benares in Sanskrit lore : baptized March 14, 1848, at Jaunpur : accompanied Dulip Singh (q.v.) to England as his Sanskrit tutor : attended theological lectures at the Islington College of the Church Missionary Society : returned to India, 1855 : entered Bishop's College, Calcutta : ordained, 1870 : wrote on religious subjects : wrote also the Rational Refutation of the Hindu Philosophical Systems : joined the mission of the Scottish Episcopal Church to Chanda, in the Central Provinces : and the Cowley Fathers at Bombay, Poona and Indore : died Oct. 29, 1895 : helped to revise the Hindi and Mahratti Prayer Book : had influence with the Brahmans, Muhammadans and Parsis, and with Pandita Ramabai.
Born 1808 : Professor of Sanskrit at Turin : made the first translation, into a European language, of the Ramayana, published at Paris, 1843–56 : Librarian of the University of Turin : the "father of Sanskrit philology" of his time : "Senatore di Regno" for his literary merits : appointed member of the French Academy : died May, 1891.
Born 1835 : son of Edward Chaddock Gorst (who took the name of Lowndes in 1853) : educated at Preston Grammar School and St. John's College, Cambridge : Fellow : 3rd Wrangler, 1857 : called to the bar from the Inner Temple, 1865 : Solicitor General, 1885–6 : Undersecretary of State for India, 1886–91 : Financial Secretary to the Treasury, 1891–2 : Vice-President of the Council of Education, 1895–1902 : M.P. for Cambridge and Chatham between 1866 and 1892 : since then M.P. for Cambridge University : LL.D. : F.R.S. : K.C. : author of The Maori King.
Born Jan. 28, 1832 : entered the 5th Bengal European Cavalry, 1848 : General, 1894 : served in the Panjab campaign, 1848–9 : Indian mutiny, 1857–8 : Bhutan war, 1864–5 : Afghan war, 1878–80, in command of a Brigade, through the Khyber, to Kabul : K.C.B. 1881 : commanded Hyderabad Contingent, 1881 : and a Division of the Bengal Army, 1886–90 : author of The Sikhs and the Sikhs War : gained the V.C. for gallantry on four occasions in the mutiny : in the first of them, at Kharkowda, near Rohtak, on Aug. 15, 1857, saved his brother, who was wounded : killed two of the enemy : G.C.B., 1895.
Field-Marshal : born Nov. 3, 1779 : fourth son of George Gough : entered the Militia, 1793, the Army in 1794 : Adjutant of the 119th at fifteen : with the 78th in 1895 at the capture of the Cape : served in the W. Indies until 1803 : in the Peninsula force, 1809, at Talavera, Barossa, Tarifa, Vittoria, Nivelle, twice severely wounded : knighted, 1815 : Maj-General, 1830 : K.C.B. , 1831 : commanded the Mysore Division of the Madras Army, 1857 : sent to command at Canton, 1841 : captured the forts, penetrated 170 miles up the Yang-tze-kiang, won several actions, concluded the treaty of Nankin, 1842 : G.C.B. and Baronet : returned to Madras as C. in C. and became C. in C. in India, 1843 : defeated Sindia's troops at Maharajpur, Dec. 28, 1843 : took the command in person in the first Sikh war, 1845–6, and won the battles of Mudki, Dec. 18, 1845; Firozshahr, Dec. 21, and Sobraon, Feb. 10, 1846, Lord Hardinge, the Governor-