manded, in succession to Colonel Leslie, the Bengal contingent which marched across India to aid the Bombay Army against the Mahrattas, 1778–81 : took Mhow : Ahmadabad on Feb. 15, 1780 : defeated Sindia : captured Bassein, Dec. II, 1780 : threatened Poona : Goddard was compelled to retreat : treaty with Sindia, Oct. 1781 : Brig-General : appointed C. in C. of the Bombay Army : retired for ill-health : died at sea, off the Land's End, July 7, 1783.
GODEHEU, M. ( ? - ? )
Member of Council at Chandernagore and befriended by Dupleix while the latter was the Intendant there, before 1741 : Director of the Company of the Indies in France : sent out by the French Ministry as Commissary of the French King, and Governor-General of the French Settlements, to supersede Dupleix, conclude peace with the English, and examine Dupleix's accounts : reached Pondicherry, Aug. I, 1754 : ruined Dupleix by rejecting his claims for sums advanced from his private means, and by his reports : in negotiating with Saunders, the English Governor at Madras, Godeheu reversed Dupleix's policy, and gave up nearly all the points at issue, thus diminishing the French position in India : left Pondicherry for France in Feb. 1755.
Born June 11, 1847, son of J. R. Godley : educated at Rugby and Balliol College, Oxford : Hertford, Ireland and Eldon Law Scholar : Fellow of Hertford College, 1874 : Private Secretary to Mr. Gladstone when Prime Minister, 1872–4 and 1880–2 : Commissioner of Inland Revenue, 1882–3 : Under Secretary of State for India since 1883 : K.C.B., 1893.
Joined the 9th foot in 1799 : served in Hanover in 1805 : in the Peninsula, 1808 : Brevet-Major and C.B. : went to India as Lt-Colonel of the 41st, 1822 : throughout the first Burmese war, 1824–6, including capture of Rangoon and occupation of Martaban : Maj-General, 1846 : commanded a Division in Bengal, 1850 : and held the Command-in-Chief of the Force in the second Burmese war, 1852–3 : captured Rangoon, April, 1852, Bassein in May, Pegu in June : commanded the Sirhind Division : died at Simla, Oct. 26, 1853, from the effects of the Burmese campaigns : made K.C.B., but died before the notification reached him.
Born July 6, 1834 : son of Robert A. C. Godwin-Austen, a distinguished geologist : educated at Sandhurst : entered the Army, 1851 : went to India, 1852 : served in the second Burmese war and Panjab : entered the Trigonometrical Survey of India, 1857 : surveyed large tracts in the Himalayas : on special duty with Bhutan Field Force, 1864 : President of Section E (Geography) of British Association, 1883 : author of On the Land and Freshwater Mollusca of British India, 1882–99 : contributed to several scientific Journals on geology, ethnology and natural history : Lt-Colonel : retired, 1877.
Born 1833, in Belgium : of a family of wealth and influence : had a distinguished career in Europe : was Count of the Roman Empire, and a Domestic Chaplain to the Pope, before he went to Calcutta in 1878, to be, at first, Bishop : like the other Vicariates and Prefects Apostolic in India, he was subject to the Archbishop at Goa : from 1886, under the concordat between the Portuguese authorities at Goa and the Vatican, he became Archbishop under the constitution issued by the Pope, which converted the 16 Vicariates into regular dioceses and appointed him Archbishop by special proclamation. He was thus, for 15 years, head of the Roman Catholic Church in India, under the direction of the Congregation of the Propaganda at Rome : he devoted his energies and his wealth to the interests of the See, especially in the development of churches, convents and schools : died at Calcutta, July 4, 1901 : described as a most distinguished prelate and true, devoted friend to India.
GOLDNEY, PHILIP (1802–1857)
Son of Thomas Goldney : born Nov. 21, 1802 : educated privately : entered