service in 1825 : served in the Indian navy : vaccinator for the Dekkan and Khandesh, 1836 : studied botany and agriculture : Superintendent of the Dapuri botanic garden near Poona, 1838–67 : aimed at introducing new trees and plants and drugs : Conservator of Forests, Bombay, 1847–60 : F.L.S., 1853 : wrote on Bombay Forests and Flora : died Jan. 16, 1867.
During the Sonthal rebellion, 1855, he rendered valuable service to the Government, for which he received rewards : during the Sepoy mutiny he helped the Government greatly in the protection of Bihar, and was made "Maharaja Bahadur," and K.C.S.I. : a jagir was granted to him in 1864 : during the Bengal famine of 1874 he gave great assistance, and the title of "Maharaja" was extended to his son : in 1877, at the Delhi Imperial Assemblage, this title was made hereditary in his family : he died in 1889 : grandfather of Maharaja Sir Ravaneshwar Singh (q.v.).
Member of Bengal Legislative Council, 1893–5, and 1895–7 and 1901 : title of Maharaja made hereditary, 1877 : K.C.I.E. 1895.
Son of Rev. Edmund Gilbert : born 1785 : joined the 15th Bengal N.I, in 1801 : present at the actions at Alighar, Delhi, Agra, Laswari in 1803, at Deeg and Lake's unsuccessful attacks on Bhartpur : Commandant of the Calcutta native militia, 1815 : Superintendent of the Mysore Princes, 1816, and on Lord Hastings' Staff: A.G.G. on the S.W. frontier, 1822 : Colonel of the 1st European Fusiliers, 1832 : Maj -General, 1841 : Lt-General, 1851 : commanded a Division in the first Sikh war at Mudki, Firozshahr, and Sobraon : K.C.B., 1846 : and in the Panjab campaign : at Chilianwala and Gujarat : after the last-named battle he commanded in the pursuit of the Sikhs, who surrendered to him at Hoormuck and Rawul Pindi, the Afghans flying to the Khyber : G.C.B. : Baronet in 1851 : Military Member of the Supreme Council, Dec. 1852, to Feb. 1853 : he was a famous sportsman, and paid much attention to horse-racing : died May 12, 1853.
Born in 1759 : educated at Heriot's Hospital, Edinburgh : to Calcutta in the E.I. Co.'s medical service, 1794 : was the first to reduce to a system the language, then unsettled, called Hindustani : published a dictionary and grammar in it, and popularized its study : he was also well versed in Sanskrit and Persian : the Marquis Wellesley made him Principal of the College of Fort William at Calcutta in 1800 : he supervised the preparation of works in Hindu and Urdu by native scholars, and himself wrote chiefly on those languages : left India in 1804 : LL.D. of Edinburgh : acted as Oriental Professor at Haileybury, Feb. to May, 1806 : retired in 1809 : taught privately in Oriental languages, 1816–8 : Professor of Hindustani at the Oriental Institution, 1818–26 : his method of obtaining remuneration for his teaching, by the sale of his works, was irregular, and he turned to abusing his employers. After giving up his Professorship, he still taught Hindustani for a time : died in Paris, Jan. 9, 1841 : a scholarship in his name was founded in Calcutta.
Born July 20, 1812, at Klein Siemen in Mecklenburg : studied theology and Oriental languages at Gottingen and Boon : Sanskrit under Schlegel and Lassen : Privat-docent at Bonn, 1839, for Oriental languages and literature : Extraordinary Professor at Bonn, 1844 : Professor, in 1845, of theology and Oriental literature at the University of Marburg; also Librarian there for ten years : Professor of Oriental languages and literature at Bonn, 1859, retaining this post till his death, on March 11, 1890. A contro-versialist as well as a scholar : of wide and varied interests and learning : thorough and conscientious in all his work : a great teacher and noted librarian : yet has left