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Engineers, 1843 : in the Satlaj campaign, 1845–6 : and the Panjab campaign, 1848–9 : in the Burmese war, 1852–3 : employed on the construction of light-houses on the coast of Burma : Chief Engineer in the N.W.P., 1873–9 : Member of the Supreme Council, March-June, 1880 : C.B. : died June 11, 1898.


I.C.S. : born Nov. 14, 1848 : son of Rev. A. G. Fraser, D.D. : educated at Edinburgh Academy and University : entered the Indian Civil Service, 1871 : served in the Central Provinces : Officiating Secretary to the Government of India, Home Department, 1898–9 : Chief Commissioner of Central Provinces, 1899 : President of the Indian Police Commission, 1902–3 : Lieutenant-Governor of Bengal since Nov. 1903 : C.S.I. , 1897 : K.C.S.I., 1903.


Son of Lt -Colonel Sir James John Fraser, Bart. : joined the nth Hussars : served with the 7th Hussars at the siege and capture of Delhi, 1857 : Brevet-Major : gained the V.C. on Dec. 31, 1858, for rescuing, while under sharp fire, an officer and some men from drowning in the river Rapti : in the Abyssinian expedition, 1867–8 : at capture of Magdala : C.B. : A.D.C. to the C. in C. 1873–80 : Inspr-General of Cavalry, 1879–84 : Maj-General : K.C.B. : M.P. for N. Lambeth, 1885–92 : died June 7, 1895.

FRASER, HUGH ( ? –1858)

Of the Bengal Engineers : Chief Engineer at Agra when the mutiny of 1857 broke out : C.B. : Colonel : made Chief Commissioner for Agra and its dependencies, Sep. 30, 1857, to Feb. 9, 1858 : acted with energy : died at Mussoorie, Aug. 12, 1858.

FRASER, JAMES (1713–1754)

Born 1713 : son of Alexander Fraser of Reelick : went to India, to Surat : resided there, 1730–40 : learnt Sanskrit and Zend : returning to England for about two years, he wrote a history of Nadir Shah, the King of Persia, who invaded India : Fraser returned to India as a factor in the E.I. Co.'s service : rose to be a Member of Council at Surat, where he stayed six years : he brought to England some 200 Sanskrit and Zend MSS., the first "collection" brought to Europe, which are now in the Bodleian Library at Oxford : he had formed plans of working in Zend and Sanskrit, but died early, Jan. 21, 1754.


Born June 11, 1783 : son of Edward Satchell Fraser : with his brother William (q.v.), and an escort, explored the Himalayas in 1815, to the sources of the Jamna and Ganges : in 1821, he accompanied Dr. Jukes to Persia, to Mashad, Kurdistan and Tabriz : in 1833–4, on a diplomatic mission to Persia, he rode from Semlin to Constantinople, and from Stamboul to Teheran : attended on the Persian Princes on their visit to England, 1835–6 : wrote narratives of his travels in Persia and connected countries, and some works of fiction : also the Military Memoir of Lt-Colonel lames Skinner : C.B., 1851 : was also an amateur artist : died Jan. 1856.


Son of Colonel Charles Fraser : born July I, 1783 : educated at Ham and Glasgow University : joined the Madras N.I., 1800 : escorted the Mysore Princes to Bengal, 1807 : A.D.C. to Sir G. Barlow, when Governor of Madras : Private Secretary, 1810 : Deputy Commissary in the Madras expedition to Mamritius, 1810 : Military Secretary to the Governor of Madras, 1813 : Commandant at Pondicherry, 1816 : Commissioner for the restitution of French and Dutch possessions, 1816–7, having great knowledge of the French language : Secretary to Government in the Military Department, 1834 : in several actions in Coorg : Resident in Mysore, and Chief Commissioner of Coorg : Resident at Travancore and Cochin, 1836 : Resident at Hyderabad from Sep. 1838, to Dec. 1852 : resigned his appointment because of strained relations with Lord Dalhousie : Lt-General, 1851 : General, 1862 : died Aug. 22, 1869.

FRASER, WILLIAM (1784–1836)

I.C.S. : son of Edward Satchell Fraser, brother of James Baillie Fraser (q.v.) :

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